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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 6, 2005
I bought this display to connect to my MBP at bestbuy. after asking the gentlemen if it was mac compatable he said oh yea. Well i can't install the software to calibrate my screen other than the touch screen controls on the side of the monitor.

the monitor looked great instore, very very nice actually. but for some reason it's not looking like i thought it was when i bought it last night. I tried installing CrossOver for Mac to install the installer but errors with a message saying i need Internet Explorer 6 or higher.

I have to run, but I would really really appriciate it if someone could help me out with this situation. Is there some other software I could use to calibrate this monitor to somehow look closer to my MBP's? Any tips and tricks? Thanks in advance people.

Maxwell Smart

macrumors 6502a
Jan 29, 2006
Don't bother with the calibration software, most stuff included with displays sucks anyway and its almost always windows only. Instead go to System Preferences: Displays: Color: Calibrate...

Hopefully this helps :)


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Just make sure you turn on the advanced features when you do the calibration. It works great, although it can take some practice. If you don't like the results once, try it again. Also if there are any LCDs involved, presuming there are, note that even the LCDs with the best viewing angle are still sensitive to angle in terms of color. Make sure you are sitting at both displays in the way you would normally sit at them.

If that isn't enough, some people here like Supercal.

Also note that display calibration is a software thing. You will need to calibrate separately for each operating system you use, even if it's the same computer.


macrumors regular
Jan 7, 2005
I've also found that using another color profile works better, for my instance with the Samsung 931bw, it looks much better with the sRGB profile than the default SyncMasterp profile on my MBP.
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