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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 1, 2004
Princeton, NJ
...For a newbie

I ordered Dreamweaver from and it should arrive in a day or so.
I have Dreamweaver MX for Dummies but I wonder if there is another good book that you recommend.

Also, is the book that comes with the program any good?

Thanks !


macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2005
London, UK
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
Haven't actually read any of the books, but Dreamweaver usually comes with a great set of tutorials. Try those, and if the learning curve still is too steep, go for the Dreamweaver Bible, The Missing Manual or similar. :)

I'd definitely agree with this advice. And if you don't go for the tutorial that Dreamweaver generally offers, you can always google for resources. I'm sure if you learned the general stuff from the tutorial, you'd be fine getting around and then could separately look up the more difficult stuff you want to accomplish. But books are probably an easier option :)
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