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Demon Hunter

macrumors 68020
Mar 30, 2004
Spock, Spacken, are you the OP?

vollspacken said:
Apple PowerCD
- This one would look nice with my modded SE/30, much better than the beige/platinum CD-ROM I currently use...

link here

What the crap is a PowerCD? I want one!

Old stuff:
- MacSE (my first Mac)
- eMate (those were durable as hell)
- Newton
- PowerBook 100 era

I love so many old Macs. I'm really glad my dad gave me one at age 7, or I would have missed it all!!!!!

I remember the Mac TV well, it was right next to the Performa 550 my dad bought from CompUSA. That was another amazing computer. When my hard drive crashed I cried for hours I was so attached to it... kind of sad, but that's me I suppose.

New stuff:
- All the new Intel Macs :D
- A couple of Xserves
- A bunch of Cinema Displays

If I was Steve, I'd buy one of everything...


macrumors member
Mar 21, 2006
Red Sox Nation
My last purchase was a b/w G3 350. I've overclocked to 450, added a apple DVD burner and upgrade to panther. I used it as my media server at home.

The next two items I'm looking for are a 1st Gen iPod and a clamshell graphite ibook.


macrumors 65816
Aug 25, 2004
Pasadena, California, USA
pinetec said:
My last purchase was a b/w G3 350. I've overclocked to 450, added a apple DVD burner and upgrade to panther. I used it as my media server at home.

The next two items I'm looking for are a 1st Gen iPod and a clamshell graphite ibook.

I've got the first gen iPod part of that if you want it. :cool:


macrumors 68030
Jan 8, 2005
On the moon.
vollspacken said:
I would also like to replace the old AMD Celeron PC that I currently use as a fileserver with a Rev. B B/W G3... but that's not very urgent

o.k., now it's your turn. what are you looking forward to to buy next?


How much you want for that AMD Celeron chip? :D

I didnt know Intel and AMD collaberated on anything. ;P

Its either a Intel Celeron, or a AMD Duron


macrumors 6502
Feb 19, 2006
I have an Apple QuickTake, Mac SE, and lots of Apple stickers if anyone is interested.
Also old Performas, Workgroup servers, and G3 AIO's.

I would love to find a 20th Ann. Mac.


macrumors 68040
Jan 6, 2002
iowamensan said:
I have an Apple QuickTake, Mac SE, and lots of Apple stickers if anyone is interested.
Also old Performas, Workgroup servers, and G3 AIO's.

I would love to find a 20th Ann. Mac.

Thanks for reminding me i wanted a TAM :mad:


macrumors 65816
Apr 7, 2005
iowamensan said:
I have an Apple QuickTake, Mac SE, and lots of Apple stickers if anyone is interested.
Also old Performas, Workgroup servers, and G3 AIO's.

I would love to find a 20th Ann. Mac.
what kind of workgroup servers do you have?
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