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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 4, 2020
Hello everyone,

I've been using the German iTunes Store for years and have amassed a great number of movies (which I have already downloaded onto my iMac as suggested by the Apple Support document prior to changing Apple ID country).

Now, I've been living in SE Asia for years and would like to make the switch to Thailand now so that I can benefit from a much cheaper Apple One price.

What I would like to know is the following:
  1. iTunes Movies: I have already gone ahead and downloaded all previously purchased movies onto my iMac (as described here: My understanding is that if the movies are available in the Thailand iTunes Store, I should be able to stream them on my other devices e.g. AppleTV
  2. Apple Music: Do I keep my current Apple Music media library or is everything just wiped from my devices?
  3. AppleTV+: AppleTV+ is available in Thailand, however, upon changing countries, do I lose my history e.g. the episodes I have already watched?
  4. iCloud+: iCloud+ is available in Thailand. Do I keep my iCloud storage e.g. my documents currently stored on iCloud (right now I have the 2TB plan so I would need to upgrade to the same plan when moving countries).
  5. Fitness+: Sadly Fitness+ is not yet available in Thailand (it is in neighbouring Malaysia so my hope is that it'll come at some point). I guess I could keep a separate German account and only subscribe to Fitness+ there so that I can switch between accounts on my AppleTV. How does it work on the AppleWatch then? I guess it knows when I am connected to the German store for Fitness+ and then still connects as usual to the AppleTV when starting the workout?
Many questions and I hope you guys can share your experience with aforementioned scenario.

Any input/feedback is highly appreciated. :)
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