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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 17, 2004
So I have this idea... it's really cool, but I have no idea how to pull it off. My idea is this: in tiger there are "spotlight comments" which can be used like tags. What if when you saved a file (either creating a new file or "save as") and the "save file" dialogue comes up, it had a "Spotlight Comments" box where you could enter tags (or any other comments you want to enter) which would be put in the Spotlight Comments metadata for the file?

I think this would be a really easy way to "tag" files to make them easier to categorize in spotlight. Then there could be a finder-like program that lists the top 100 or so tags used, in a folksonomy-type way (a la Technorati), which sends you to the spotlight search for those tags making it easy to browse using your tags.

Thoughts? I have been poking around the documentation online and I think the proper class is NSSavePanel (

Is there a way to modify the save box so that it will change across the OS and you'll get the modified dialogue in all applications that use it? (which would be most of them)

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