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macrumors 6502
Original poster
First off apologies if this is the wrong forum, I couldn't decide where it should go...
For years I have used my AppleTV when I am doing public presentations.
Found it more reliable & convenient to just have a presentation on my iPhone, plug in my ATV & I'm ready to go in under a minute rather than all of the IT dramas typically encountered when using the PCs etc of others.
Anyhews... thought I'd see if I could use Chromecast instead as it's smaller & can be powered by the TV or a battery pack.
'Easy set-up' they said. I call BS on that...
I often present in situations with no wifi and the big issue is all of these things need a wifi network before they will play-ball. Why they can't just work with a one-to-one connection I have no idea...
With the ATV it's generally pretty easy - create a wireless hotspot & connect to that & you're good to go.
Supposed to be the same with Chromecast. Supposed to be...
With CC you need to set the device up while connected to a network no biggie except that it has this thing that you can't set it up from the device that is creating the network. No idea why.
So... you have to create the network with one device, use a second device to connect to said network then used the second device to do the set-up of the CC telling it to use the network being created by the first device.
Then... you need to remove the second device from the chain & BOOM! you're happening. Theoretically...
Problem is that then as soon as you try to connect to the CC with the first device it says something like 'Connecting by wifi will end HotSpot sessions'. So there goes your network.
I burnt 4-hours trying to solve this & nearly went crackers.
Anyone know what the story is or is it Google creating the same sort of 'walled garden' they've long accused Apple of creating?

Phil in ocala

Jul 14, 2016
I have two Firesticks and after 6 months they can no longer connect to the wifi....I have them on ebay....
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