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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 30, 2014
Hi , I am a Electronic music producer, I am doing a huge mix which i have spend a lot of time and effort on the audio Side for promotion purposes and because i have a lot of subscribers i need to make my content to a good standard. Anyways I have permission to use Cinmegraphs from multiple photographers which also work better in this video along side the audio. I am fairly decent with Video editing but not a pro by any means and i am new to cinmagraphs.

So as you will know cinema graphs are lots of photos played fast that form a video like effect . Now I have got the cinemgraph photos working in imovie, i have cut each photo down to 0.1s which is the minimum imovie will allow. The problem is i want to get the cinemgraphs to play faster to how theyare when i view them on the website i got them. Basically speeding the video to make it look like it should. I can not make the photos any smaller so they play any faster, is their anyway you can some how make the cursor that plays through the clips faster or something like that.

(Exporting it as a video then speeding it up will not work because the video has to be in sync with the audio imbedded in the video)

Looking for video editing champs for any advice if its even possible thanks.

Dave Braine

macrumors 68040
Mar 19, 2008
Warrington, UK
Which version of iMovie are you using?

Assuming it's the latest, you can speed up the video within iMovie. Select the clip and then click on the speedometer symbol in the Adjust toolbar, above the preview window. You can choose "Fast" which gives a choice of 2x, 4x, 8x, and 20x, or "Custom" and choose your own.


macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 30, 2014
Hi it wont let me do that because of the photo size if that makes sense , i am using 11

Dave Braine

macrumors 68040
Mar 19, 2008
Warrington, UK
Sorry, just realised I misread your post. I thought your photos were already together in a movie format. All I can suggest is that you Export your Project as a Movie, then re-import it, and then you'll be able to speed it up via the Clip Menu>Fast Forward.
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