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That's on someone else to do! I can't hoard all the screen sizes -- besides, I'm pretty sure that at this point, if I make too many more threads before 2023 I'll be banned for spamming! :p

Nah you won’t. You’ll be contributing.

@ahurst Yeah, it's really kinda beat. The screen latch button is loose, several keys are worn away, the side is a little warped. It runs is the important part, even if it's in dire need of almost every single screw. That's definitely some wear -- this thing spent years probably being handled and used by all sorts of students at Virginia Commonwealth University according to the sticker, so who knows what kind of a biohazard it actually is.​

This is where removing the top case assembly and letting it rest, face down, in a rubbermaid tub (like the ones you can slide beneath a bed) with enough 99% (nothing less!) isopropyl alcohol to cover the whole assembly, and letting it soak and sit for, like, a day, before taking it out and letting it dry for another day or two, will both disinfect and also free up some of the gunk which has lived inside there for years.

To keep that 99% from evaporating as quickly (because it simply will), cover the container, as well. And if you really want to get some of the particulates freed up and out of there, gently agitate the tub every three hours or so to let that gunk sink out.

Afterwards, there may still be stuff lodged inside there (like fibres or even hair), and those will have to be removed manually, but you’ll have a sterilized and much cleaner assembly.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
Been trying to get my SSD installed for the last few days. Not only does it not recognize it, but usually having it plugged in ends up causing the optical drive to completely stop working.​


macrumors G3
Oct 28, 2015
Been trying to get my SSD installed for the last few days. Not only does it not recognize it, but usually having it plugged in ends up causing the optical drive to completely stop working.​
Sounds like a master/slave issue, or an incompatible adapter.
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macrumors regular
Apr 15, 2020
Been trying to get my SSD installed for the last few days. Not only does it not recognize it, but usually having it plugged in ends up causing the optical drive to completely stop working.​

Sounds like a master/slave issue, or an incompatible adapter.
Do the Powerbooks have the same pickiness as the G4 iMacs towards the sata to pata adapter chipset?
Apparently the iMacs prefer the Marvel adapters...The others are a bit hit and miss!
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macrumors regular
Apr 15, 2020
Got one as well now!

Extremely good condition!

Have to up the memory to 2GB, then research a bit how to move to SSD.

Done this on a 15" iMAc G4, and even with the ATA66 bus it was still a very noticeable improvement over the spinner.

This one has a ATA100 bus, so should be an even better improvement over the by now geriatric 5400 rpm spinner...

Only the backlight seems to be a bit tired, right after starting up, the screen is pretty dim, but then starts to brighten up over a good minute or so...




macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
I'm still completely jealous of that laptop.
Does anyone know if all aluminum 15" bodies are interchangeable? I have a feeling that my Hi-Res's body issues are a little less repairable than I first thought. Just in case that inkling is true, I'd like to know if I can swap it out with any old dead 15" I could find on eBay.
Also, the ID sticker:
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macrumors 68000
Jun 8, 2021

My DLSD 15” G4, which I lucked upon on eBay in 2017 after an unfortunate accident occurred with my first gen MBP.

Sadly, it seems like the battery has finally called it quits in the last month, but the rest of it works fine. I’m planning on swapping the hard drive out for something solid state at some point.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
RIP Silicon Graphics, I would still love an Indy one day.
Also, it did turn out to be a bus conflict, I got it to work, though at times the CD drive doesn't work...​
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macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2021
Just sold my DLSD… for way too little money I guess. Still got a 1.5 in almost pristine condition. That one for some reason felt snappier than the 1.67 DLSD…


macrumors 68000
Jun 8, 2021
Older laptops are especially sensitive to hard drive speeds, I find. It doesn't help that Apple was equipping their laptops with speeds ranging from 4200 to 7200RPM depending on spec.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
I can't speak to the difference an SSD makes to the PowerBook G4 since the only SSD modded one I own never came with a stock hard drive, but my MacBook's boot time was cut in half moving over to an SSD, boots in 10 seconds as opposed to 20, and everything was way more responsive.​
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macrumors 68000
Jun 8, 2021
Before I passed it off to someone else, I converted my 1.42GHz iBook G4 to an SSD (mSATA) and while the system as a whole was never going to be a speed demon, the faster boots were nice for sure.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 29, 2021
Marinette, Arizona
Those last iBooks were really nice... I wish they could have been sent off with one last revision. I know that the 1.42 isn't a blazing computer by today's standards, but it's still perfectly usable 20 years later without maxed RAM, and that says something.​
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macrumors 68000
Jun 8, 2021
Honestly, that's the one older Mac I regret getting rid of. I just was trying to downsize and kept the first gen MBP over it (which saved me later when my Air died and I needed something to tide me over for a few weeks while a replacement Mac came in the mail).


macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2018
It's been a long time (and I am gonna answer replies on my other thread) but I'm semi-back and I bring to you 45 inches of chaos. I have a soft spot for 15-inch laptops, and own 4 of them (3 Macbook Pros, and one Windows 11 gaming laptop), but here is my collection:


My 2006 Scrapbook Pro, whoich is made of the scraps and spare parts of numerous non-working Macbook Pros from 2006-2008 running Mac OS 10.6.8, with 2GB RAM and a CoreDuo Processor; beside it is my 15-inch 2005 Powerbook G4 1.67GHz, in almost perfect condition. And here's my 'modern' Macbook Pro 15 inch 2015 to compare it to (I had to buy it as a cheap replacement to my borked M1 MBP 2020, which doesn't wanna play ball with me no more).

And here's the full stats of the main machine:


It runs all the programs I want to very well. It doesn't get super hot, and the fans have never ran on it thus far. Good machine, but maybe needs a replacement battery at some point, but that doesn't annoy me. I keep it in my bedroom mainly. The PowerPC table is down, because I am remodelling my room. I am planning to put shelving up to display some of my PowerPC collection, though. Yeah, the table has become a shelf. Oh well. More space.
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