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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 5, 2012

GBA.emu ($5)
Snes9x EX (Free, but gave $9 donation for the great work)
NES.emu ($6)
GBC.emu ($5)

These gaming emulators are always going to be the main reason I jailbreak to begin with. They are without a doubt the BEST gaming emulators for the iPhone. Robert Broglia constantly updates his emulators for better performance. Has support for bluetooth controllers (I personally use wiimote classic controller) and are the only emulators that let you map which buttons do what. A true gem for those who want to play the old classic games for the Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Gameboy Advance, and Gameboy Color. Support this developer.


8-24 Edit
In an effort to cut back on tweaks, I'm a bit of a tweak whore ;), and to keep my phone running at absolute peak performance I removed the following:

DisplayOut ($4) - Mirroring your iPhones screen on your TV, which combined with the gaming emulators like GBA.emu, NES.emu, GBC.emu, Snes9x EX and bluetooth controllers, turns your iPhone into a full gaming console! :eek:

BiteSMS ($10 usually, but got it on sale for $5) - Quick reply for text messages from either the lock screen or without having to leave the app your currently in

GV SMS extension ($3) - GV text msg's go to the better native messages app, instead of the terrible Google Voice app)

Adblocker ($1) - Personally I HATE ads on websites, this blocks them all and you can use it with any browser, not just safari.

Nitrous ($1) - A great tweak that gets around apples handicapping of 3rd party browsers. Apple let's Safari use the very fast Nitro Javascript engine but doesn't allow other browsers to use this. With Nitrous you can use the Nitro Javascript engine with any browser you choose.

Browser Changer (Free) - Let's me make Atomic Browser my default browser to open links in emails, text messages, and the maps application

Springtomize 2 ($3) - The ultimate customization app for your iPhone. Has hundreds of different tweaks you can do to your phone. I personally use it to hide my dock, hide page indicator dots, hide all app and folder names, and have my icon rows only have 3 icons per row (instead of the normal 4) so its not as cramped.

FolderEnhancer ($2.50) - Lets you put as many icons as you want in a particular folder and even let's you put folders within a folder. Great for organization.

Navigate from maps ($2) - A great tool for navigation. Let's you use the maps application to look up where you want to go, then simply press the button "navigate here with (insert turn by turn navigation app)" and it opens up that navigation app and automatically plans your route without you having to input anything else. Works with waze, navigon, tomtom, etc. Apple maps navigation is coming soon but I assume the jailbreak for ios 6 won't be here for months so this will help bridge the navigation gap until ios 6 is finally jailbroken.

Spotlock (Free) - A useful tweak that lets you lock your phone with a simple swipe to your spotlight screen. I never use spotlight anyways so this is very nice way to not have to reach for the power button + saves wear & tear on your power button.

Old home screen from before 8-24 edit:

Old home screens before 8-17 edit:


Honorable mentions:
- Zephyr - lets you swipe up to close an app / get back to your homescreen or open up your multitask switcher. Works great to save stress on your home button, the same way Spotlock helps you save your power button.
- KillBackground (Places a button on the lower left of you multitask switcher that kills all background applications if pressed so you don't have to manually do that one by one)
- Monobar (makes status bar normal size during calls / recordings)
- NCsettings - A better version of sbsettings that goes in your notification center. Let's you turn off 3G on the 4S if you want, an gives you quick toggle access to any settings you need such as wifi, bluetooth, led flashlight, airplane mode, etc.
- NoNewsIsGoodNews - hides the stupid newsstand app that I don't want.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
May 30, 2012
Nice recommendations here. I'd like to add a few of my favorites: Screendimmer, 20 Second Lockscreen, & Quicklock.

I like that Zephyr tweak!


macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2010
Definitely need to add lockdown as well. I hate having a pass code on my entire phone, so using lockdown for Facebook, texts and emails works much better for me.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 5, 2012
I updated my original post to reflect some of the changes I have made since first starting this thread.

Zephyr was removed because, while I love it's capabilities, isnt as buttery smooth as iOS normally is. Sometimes it would swipe away an application when I didn't want it to (such as browsing the web).

NCsettings was removed because I found out I don't really have a huge need for its control toggles. I simply use the settings app and have to go through another click. I also found that I rarely if ever turn off 3G which is one of the main reasons I thought I needed it to begin with.

I also went ahead and changed the OP to a more category based post for organization of the jailbreak tweaks I use.


macrumors 68030
Apr 11, 2012
So no tweak to block ads in apps?

AdBlocker blocks adds in some apps. The app has to use a UIWebView based system in order for AdBlocker to be successful. There are not many apps, outside of browsers and apps with internal browsers (like twitter), that use this system but it's better than nothing.

I remember reading a tutorial on how to edit host files with iFile which worked really well but there were a few downsides to using this method. It blocked EVERYTHING to the point it would interfere with user experience. For example, sometimes you intentionally click on something which would call up additional information but because of how/where this new info came from, it would show up completely blank since it was treated as an ad. So editing those files can actually get in your way sometimes. I've learned to either live with the ads or use AdBlocker. The cool thing about Adblocker is that you can add additional "custom lists". This adds even more ad blocking power to this tweak. I have a couple custom lists which block a lot more ads than the default list.

If you want, I can try and locate that tutorial for editing host files. Come to think of it, I might have seen it in this forum. I'll do some searches and see if I can find it.


macrumors 65816
Sep 7, 2007
AdBlocker blocks adds in some apps. The app has to use a UIWebView based system in order for AdBlocker to be successful. There are not many apps, outside of browsers and apps with internal browsers (like twitter), that use this system but it's better than nothing.

I remember reading a tutorial on how to edit host files with iFile which worked really well but there were a few downsides to using this method. It blocked EVERYTHING to the point it would interfere with user experience. For example, sometimes you intentionally click on something which would call up additional information but because of how/where this new info came from, it would show up completely blank since it was treated as an ad. So editing those files can actually get in your way sometimes. I've learned to either live with the ads or use AdBlocker. The cool thing about Adblocker is that you can add additional "custom lists". This adds even more ad blocking power to this tweak. I have a couple custom lists which block a lot more ads than the default list.

If you want, I can try and locate that tutorial for editing host files. Come to think of it, I might have seen it in this forum. I'll do some searches and see if I can find it.

Thanks man! Very helpful post.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 5, 2012
I went ahead and updated the original post to show the changes I've gone through over time.

I went ahead and removed any tweaks in order to take a diet. The only things remaining are the essentials: gaming emulators.

I might go back to using tweaks again in the future but for now I want as minimalistic a jailbreak as possible.

I'd recommend any of my previously used tweaks to anyone here.
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