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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2007
I have a rather unique setup I haven't been able to find anything about anywhere on the web, much to my suprise. I was hoping you guys could help me a little.

I have my xbox in a room completely seperate from my modem (A motorola surfboard) and airport base station. Initially, I had bought two base stations. One I had plugged into my surfboard, broadcasting my network, and my second, I attached to my xbox 360 with the ethernet cable that comes with the 360. This worked fine, the xbox connected to live automatically, and got the full speed of my network, never lagged.

But recently, I bought an airport extreme base station, and plugged my surfboard into that instead. Then, when I tried to do the same thing I had done before, connect my 360 and an airport base station with an ethernet cable, it acquired the IP address correctly, but failed the DNS test. I'm not really sure how to remedy this, since the xbox got the correct DNS address automatically.

So basically my setup looks like this. Surfboard___Airport extreme base station------(wireless network)-----Airport base station___Xbox 360. this setup used to work with a regular base station connected to the surfboard. I'm wondering is there anything I can do short of throwing away my extreme base station to get this to work?

For the record, I have an OSX 10.4.10.

This probably isn't the right place for this post, but I wasn't sure where to put it. Hopefully, a moderator can redirect this post to its proper home.


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
bump need help, please.

If you turn wireless off on your computer, and plug that into the airport instead of the xBox, does it connect?

Are you sure that the airport is actually connecting to the extreme?
What type of airport basestations are they? Is the extreme one of the new 'n' ones? I think there was originally an airport, then an airport 9graphite version), then an airport extreme, airport express, and I forget what the new one is called. Not sure whether they're all compatilbe out of the boox or whether you need to fiddle with any settings.
Have you tried going through the airport setup thingy and setting up the xbox side airport to join the extreme network?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2007

I'm fairly certain the airport is connected to the extreme's network, there is a drop in signal level if I disconnect it, and its lights are blinking.

it is really strange, because my xbox is automatically acquiring the correct IP and DNS addresses, so it must be getting on my network, when the airport is plugged in. But it still fails the DNS test. Seems like this is a compatibility issue to me, new apple/microsoft products not talking correctly to each other perhaps? If that is the case, is there any way to create a new network for my xbox using the second airport as a base station plugged into the modem, and switch between the networks depending on if I'm using the computer or xbox, in essence going back to my original setup, but having two networks running off the same modem?

:confused: Whew... Tough stuff... I'm becoming more and more convinced this does not belong under games... sorry.


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2004
London, UK
actually realized I didn't answer your questions very well.

The new airport (connected to the modem currently) is an 802.11n.

What I used to have is two of these things, one plugged into the modem, the other plugged into the xbox.

(sorry about the ebay link, it's just got a really good description of what it is on the page)

The second airport will issue the xbox with an IP address regardless of whether it's connected to anything else.

Did you see if your computer can connect instead of the xbox? You should definiately try the airport set up assistant and see where that gets you. I have essentially the same set up wit a playstation and an airport express and extreme, but I don't recall the second airport doing any auto-detect and connect action to my network.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 24, 2007
I'm actually at work now, but I'll try that when I get a chance, thanks for your help.
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