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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 1, 2016
EDIT: Nevermind, I hadn't noticed the guy from the store plugged it in wrong.

I have an old dead Powerbook G4. I took it to a store to get the content off the hard drive. The guy hooked it up to his computer with some adaptor. It was working but he had a PC. So he lent me the adaptor and I brought it home, and plugged the hard drive into my tb MBP.

Most times nothing happens. A couple of times I got the message "usb devices disabled unplug the device using too much".

The cable must be usable cause it worked on the other guy's computer only it was asking him to reformat it cause he was on a PC. I tried restarting my computer. I tried on an older Macbook, and got the same message.

I'm just trying to get my old info off an old hard drive. Anybody know what's happening here?
Here's a picture btw:


  • IMG_20170221_110352.jpg
    443.4 KB · Views: 33
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