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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 24, 2004
Burlington, VT
My school has a wireless network set up and I've got an iBook G4 w/ AP extreme, I dont know the password, can anyone point me towards some software to crack the password? thanks


macrumors 65816
Feb 1, 2002
kingcrowing said:
My school has a wireless network set up and I've got an iBook G4 w/ AP extreme, I dont know the password, can anyone point me towards some software to crack the password? thanks

if its your school and a network you are allowed onto, just ask them. they'll tell you. If you aren't allowed onto it, and you crack into it, they could kick you out of school if they found out. If its not your school, you have no business doing this. I'm kind of thinking that if you can't get the password by just asking, there's probably a reason, and you shouldn't be attempting to get onto it, never mind the legalities of doing so.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 24, 2004
Burlington, VT
I can get on, they have laptops and let people on. I can get on with my Dell laptop, and I can also just plug into the wall via ethernet and get on, I just wanna see if I can get on with my mac. I'm frineds with the tech guys at my school and they dotn think I could get onto the network, its 128bit encryption, and I said I thought I could find some software to get on with my iBook (they are PC people and I'm obviously a macman...)


macrumors 65816
Jul 28, 2004
Portland, Oregon
kingcrowing said:
I can get on, they have laptops and let people on. I can get on with my Dell laptop, and I can also just plug into the wall via ethernet and get on, I just wanna see if I can get on with my mac. I'm frineds with the tech guys at my school and they dotn think I could get onto the network, its 128bit encryption, and I said I thought I could find some software to get on with my iBook (they are PC people and I'm obviously a macman...)

You don't need any other software. The same passkey should work on your Mac as well as on your Dell laptop.


macrumors 68030
Dec 7, 2002
Florida, USA
If its a password like "dog" or "482423," ie a word or number, then its probably WEP40/128-bit ASCII encryption. In this case, go to your airport menu and select Other... then put in the name of the network and select WEP40/128-bit ASCII from the menu.

If that doesn't work, or they are using a sting of random numbers/letters, you might want to try using the hex setting (WEP40/128-bit hex).

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