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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 10, 2006
Los Angeles
i noticed that i get this error quite often on my OS drive (via Disk Utility):

"Volume Header needs minor repair (2, 0)"

it gets fixed after i run fsck, but after a day or two, i comes back. i've tried repairing permissions, reset PRAM, Disk Warrior 4... no luck. i even tried reinstalling the entire OS on a different HD, i still get this.

both of my HD are Seagate. one came with the G5 (160GB), the other came with the MP (230GB). yes i've erased all 0's and reinstalled clean for both.

anybody else with a similar problem? or a possible cure to stop this madness?

or somebody knowledgeable enough to know what the (2, 0) supposed to mean?

PS: 10.4.8.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 10, 2006
Los Angeles
I think the 2 and 0 refer to the location. What sort of stuff are you doing with the drives? Are they both exhibiting these same errors?

i'm not doing anything extravagant with the drives.. just installing OSX on, with the Apps/plugz i need for work (Logic, Reason, Peak, Toast, etc.).

while i don't have OSX installed on both at the same time, yes they both show similar frequencies of these errors, and they always show @ (2, 0).

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Weirdness. Sorry but I don't know what to do other than continue repairing the drives and keep everything backed up. The apps you mentioned are reasonably full on when it comes to hard drive usage so I guess it isn't a huge surprise that they keep getting errors. :eek:


macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 10, 2006
Los Angeles
2 choices here:

A) Buy & use DiskWarrior
B) Reformat the drives & re-install the OS (not a clean install, but total wipe & fresh OS)
C) Pray (that your hd's are not failing) :)

erm... please read the orig post. been there, done that.

adn you got 3 choices there.

but i still find it odd that both HD show the exact same errors... too much of a coincidence if both are failing...

:confused: :confused: :confused:

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Well, they're failing by definition, but so is any piece of hardware from the moment you start using it. At a guess, I think the work you use these drives for is wearing down your volume headers which isn't necessarily something to worry about so long as you keep everything backed up and you continue to repair the drives every so often.
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