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Original poster
Jun 13, 2015
My sister finds blinking cursors to be terribly annoying, and has asked me to fix her macos Sierra machine so that the text insertion cursor doesn't blink.

Now, for applications using the standard Cocoa parts, this is as simple as
defaults write -g NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOff -float 0

However, it would seem that many applications, such as mail, use some different sort of text edit widget to display formatted text-- the defaults code does not actually work across the GUI. For instance, the "To" field responds to NSTextInsertionPointBlinkPeriodOff; the body of a mail message does not.
And I've read somewhere that the widget used for large text edits is actually derived from webkit.

So, is there a bit of css code that I can use to globally substitute a non blinking cursor/caret in webkit widgets? Or perhaps a different Defaults key that I can use?
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