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Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
I feel it may be more to do with the EXACT words and phrases Tim publicly uses, which to us, we hear it as having one meaning, but it's VERY carefully crafted English to actually mean or allow something else.

So, not a Lie technically, but more a clever and precise use of language to appear to be saying one thing, whilst legally? meaning another.

And/or what you don't say, combined with the actual meaning of certain words.

If what WE THINK is genuine, then Apple's servers are the ideal place for nasty evil people to store child pornography, terrorist plots, you name it, that the place to store it. If it's not touchable, as Tim Suggests.

The point is, do any of us want Apple to be THE safe haven for all of that?

That's called being too smart by half. Works for politicians. CEO's not so much, especially when one is a indignant and earnest as Tim Cook on the issue. Plus he is selling that as a reason to buy Apple products, comparing Apple with Google and MS.

So I think you are being a tad too cynical here. I would read Cook's words for their plain meaning. He can be a wordsmith when it comes to Apple products and even sales. He has nothing to gain by doing on on the security issue.


macrumors 601
Politics today is not about representing the people, its about controlling the people. Crime, terrorism, etc. are just the excuses used to achieve control.
Unfortunately so true. The phrase “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely" once quoted by John Dalberg-Acton comes to mind with this article.

There's nothing those in power fear more than "the power of the people". All of us should keep that in mind.
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Gasu E.

macrumors 603
Mar 20, 2004
Not far from Boston, MA.
You're right!

But here's why it's worse already, far worse that hypocritical Apple cult like followers believe.

Roll back time to 2014, although it began sooner 2014 was the pivotal liars year.

Lying via a phony "story about Net Neutrality" the libs and Democrats convinced enough Americans that big companies like Comcast Cable were hogging bandwidth while we got charged big bucks. A very successful campaign pushed through Net Neutrality (a clever label to mislead the public).

Fast forward to the present and this topic.
Fast forward a few years and we will have limited high priced Internet. When they want to the Government will shut it down.
Sounds like China doesn't it. Well it will be.

By the time the libs wake up to reality they'll wish they didn't hate the USA like they did. Too Late.

If the Right started voting like true Conservatives, focusing on actual civil liberties; and stopped electing reps based on their promises to control women's wombs and stop homosexuals from marrying, we might get somewhere on this.

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
No Congressional seats are up for reelection this year. The fact is, they do **** like this because our voting participation sucks.

Don't be so naive. We've seen plenty of wipe out elections for both parties the past decade. They do it because that's where the money is. They are not scared of losing an election, they are scared they won't get a good lobbyist job if the do, so they play ball.
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macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2014
Charleston, SC and Everett, WA
For ****'s sake.

It's like emailing or letting representatives and senators know how we feel about this bill has absolutely no effect.
It's interesting that the First Amendment really isn't the first amendment submitted to the States.
The real one was to make Representatives reflect the population, and set that number as a ratio, like 1 Rep:50,000 people.

There are those that say that having 10,000 people in the House would make it untenable, but having one person represent 750,000 people makes you a statistic, but with a dissatisfaction rate of 90% (rough number) of Congress and a re-election rate of 80% shows that the current system is grossly broken.

At least having a ratio of 50,000:1 would make it so that you could get 25,000 of your friends to throw someone out, which is a more realistic number.

(Then again, I'm a bit of a purist... Let the States handle this stuff. Let the Feds handle the stuff in Article I, Section 8.)


Jun 28, 2015
Western Hemisphere
If the Right started voting like true Conservatives, focusing on actual civil liberties; and stopped electing reps based on their promises to control women's wombs and stop homosexuals from marrying, we might get somewhere on this.
Disclaimer: To be clear I am _not_ advocating for either the left or right.

He campaigned successfully on Hope and Change, promising that he would bring the country together.

Once seated behind the desk in the oval office he's spewed acerbic rants against the Republicans almost every single day, with so much vigor and conviction he's single handedly split the country and fueled the fires of discontent.

Almost every statement that comes out of his mouth is "The Republicans.. this or that, or are not doing... or won't co-operate blah, blah, blah... oh wait? Gotta run, can't be late for golf.

This is the man that's in charge of the country?
This is the man that's college educated?
This is the man that's responsible?
This is the man that loves his family?

My, what a specimen he is...
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macrumors 6502a
Aug 10, 2012
For ****'s sake.

It's like emailing or letting representatives and senators know how we feel about this bill has absolutely no effect.

Has it every had any effect or was this post sarcasm that I missed? (admittedly I'm pretty young so i dont know how things used to be) I mean i've never felt like voting for presidents counted either.


macrumors 68000
Dec 13, 2010
For ****'s sake.

It's like emailing or letting representatives and senators know how we feel about this bill has absolutely no effect.

Every time I've done that they respond with some generic message telling me about the bill (which I obviously already know since I'm emailing them to support it one way or another) and then they vote however they want.
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Mar 21, 2011
of course the governments would like this to come in..

Even if the bill does pass, there is nothing to still say companies will not share info because it violates user privacy anyway. Basically what they have always prohibited.

However, if its required *or else something bad will happen* then its all the more reason to not give companies real info in the first place.

Something I have been doing all along anyway :D People just never seem to lean till its too late.

Basically these things are turning either turning people into criminals, or watching over you more like Big Brother.

Personally, I'd rather be a criminal and keep my privacy my own, rather than let it roam free for all.

But that's just me.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2006
Let's all pay particular attention to the fact that only 6 Republican Senators voted against this, and remember that they control Congress... for the time being. A vote for a Republican is a vote against America.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
Let's all pay particular attention to the fact that only 6 Republican Senators voted against this, and remember that they control Congress... for the time being. A vote for a Republican is a vote against America.

Let's also remember that the champion of the patriot act, Cisa, and gun control (covers almost all civil rights) is Feinstein senior anti America democrat.
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 6, 2006
Patriot Act was implemented by Republicans under Bush. Gun control is about limiting sales to crazies. If you think otherwise, it's likely you shouldn't have access to guns.
PS: What well regulated militia do you belong to?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 19, 2012
Patriot Act was implemented by Republicans under Bush. Gun control is about limiting sales to crazies. If you think otherwise, it's likely you shouldn't have access to guns.
PS: What well regulated militia do you belong to?

and signed in secret by Obama, championed by Feinstein. Gun control is about govt control that limits all Americans- which communist party do you belong to?
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macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
What do people expect?
People voted for the politicians that came up and approved this.
And people are now complaining?
And yet people keep voting and supporting the SAME politicians?

Hello? Am I missing something?
This bill is passed because the people want it. If you actually didn't want it, then maybe, just maybe, vote for somebody else to represent you. Just saying. If you keep voting and supporting the same politicians that you were complaining about, well, you got what you wished for.

You're joking, right? Exactly WHOM are we 'supposed' to be vote for that will represent us rather than themselves or the rich people/companies that gave them all the money to get into office? It costs too much to run for office and nobody in their right mind would do it unless they planned to get their money back with interest (or in power). There is literally NO ONE to vote for but the big two parties and they are ALL beholden to someone. Literally the only thing I like about Trump is that he's rich enough he doesn't give a crap about other people's money but he's still on a head trip. It's too late to take this country back. It's become a tool of the rich and scumbaggy. You can vote all day long and you'll still have to choose between terrible and awful. No ordinary or honest person is allowed to run. You can't get to be rich like the Koch brothers without being crooked evil scum bags.
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Feb 17, 2009
No ordinary or honest person is allowed to run.

No ordinary or honest person can come up and raise the kind of money that's needed to be elected without making deals.

The American electoral system is a joke and every presidency is somehow bought by making deals with somebody, interest groups etc..

There are also way too many uneducated people in this country.
It is too big to keep up with worldwide events, let alone politics and issues. That's on top of the fact that due to
having to make money to live spare time is at a premium.

Unlike Europe, nobody in this country can launch a new party to oppose the two behemoths.


Sep 4, 2012
Midwest, USA
Imagine if this energy was put into something that actually yielded results. Perhaps then we would've ended the wars we started, solved or at least bettered the budget crisis, and who knows what other good that would've come as a result of such valiant efforts with socially conscious intentions and not personally beneficial ones.
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