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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 20, 2008
Hi All -
I do not know much about video files so I'm hoping that someone knowledgable on the subject could help me with this scenario:

Basically I have a ton of videos that I imported into iMovie events several years ago. Many of these are stored as .mov files with the apple intermediate codec (I think because I had selected the "optimize video" setting on import). These are not viewable in QuickTime on macOS Catalina so I have been searching for the best way to convert these so that I can just view them in the finder. I have fount that I can import these old files into the new iMovie, and when I export to a file it converts to a mp4 with H.264 codec and these are viewable by QuickTime. The question is if I convert all of my original files to mp4, H.264 will there be a ton of quality lost in that? And if I did want to include these converted videos in future projects would that degrade the quality even further? Are there any better ways to accomplish this?

Thank you!


Nov 21, 2019
.mov is the Apple-developed video container. QuickTime will play them (it’s a native format).


Something is wrong on your end.


macrumors 68030
Aug 19, 2020
If it’s just about playing: VLC will probably play them. if it’s about converting: Handbrake let you batch convert as well as playing with the parameters to test what’s suiting you best.
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