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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 12, 2017

A while ago i zipped some files on my macpro under OSX Lion and then some under OSX snow leopard.
These files were inside folders together with some aliases that i use to find files in complex directory structures.

Today i unzipped this archive on my macbook late 2009, under High sierra.
In the finder the shortcuts/ alias files show as UNIX EXECUTABLE files in the KIND column.

When i run them, terminal opens by default and executes some unknown commands and then i quit it.

Is there a way to fix the behavior of these files, or tell OSX HSierra that this is an alias not a Unix Exec. file and return it to the original shortcut state so i can run it again and find where the alias is pointing at please ?



macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 12, 2017
hi there, i found solution to the problem. i used keka and all seem to be ok now.
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