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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 20, 2021
Looking for someone to point me in the right direction. What is the cost? Where can get my 2013 15 inch MacBook screen replaced? Also, it has the Retina display. I closed my charger between the screen and keyboard. Now I have the rainbow lines of death. Lol


macrumors 6502a
Dec 17, 2018
North Carolina
Looking for someone to point me in the right direction. What is the cost? Where can get my 2013 15 inch MacBook screen replaced? Also, it has the Retina display. I closed my charger between the screen and keyboard. Now I have the rainbow lines of death. Lol
Ahhh so sorry to hear that! If you’re up for the challenge, I would recommend checking eBay for a screen matching your exact specifications and making it a DIY. Make sure it is the correct display for your model before purchasing. If you don’t think you’d wanna go that route, find a local computer repair place in your area and see if they would replace it for you. I really can’t tell you how much it’d cost unfortunately. It could be any wide range of prices from $100-$800 is my guess but don’t hold me to it. At any rate, best of luck repairing the display! And let me know if you have anymore questions!


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
At 8 years old, a repair like this probably isn't worth the cost (which would be considerable).

A do-it-yourself with a replacement display you find yourself -might- be worth it, but then there's always the possibility that something else could get broken during the job.

Time for a replacement.
Either m1 or the last of the Intels.
Your choice.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 20, 2021
Ahhh so sorry to hear that! If you’re up for the challenge, I would recommend checking eBay for a screen matching your exact specifications and making it a DIY. Make sure it is the correct display for your model before purchasing. If you don’t think you’d wanna go that route, find a local computer repair place in your area and see if they would replace it for you. I really can’t tell you how much it’d cost unfortunately. It could be any wide range of prices from $100-$800 is my guess but don’t hold me to it. At any rate, best of luck repairing the display! And let me know if you have anymore questions!
Thank you for the response. I've been pricing them, so they want to charge $700-$800 argh!
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