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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 12, 2022
I love that with homepod mini you can bark a command, such as lights, and you don’t have to specify the room the command is intended for. Unfortunately if I am actively using my iPad or my phone at the same time I make the command, that device receives the command and then asks me to specify the room. It would be nice, since I see the HomePod light up briefly, if there was at least a selectable option to allow certain categories of requests(such as Home) to always default to HomePod when using “Siri” or “hey siri”. Especially since if I wanted my personal device to take the request I at least have the option of manually evoking Siri. On a side note, I’m still scratching my head at what causes the wrong homepod to respond to a request(ex. Sitting on couch, say ”Siri what is the weather”, and the homepod in the kitchen responds(which is a separate room, one room over, in a non open concept floor plan) instead of the one 10 feet in front of me). Doesn’t happen super often but it is annoying when it does.


Feb 1, 2010
Cheyenne, Wyoming
I it is very interesting to me to note the behavior of my HomePod 2 compared to the Alexa 4th Gen Echo, and the Google Home mini. Periodically the Echo and the mini ask if the correct device answered. I have found that Siri has got a lot better over the years but it still in not a good and the Echo and the Mini. I understand why, what really irritates me is I use siri to get the correct spelling for words. I worked great with just the iPhone it would display the word and also spell out. When I added the HomePods, it highjacked siri, I have to press the sleep button on the iPhone to get it to respond by itself. The HomePod just spells out the word. The Google Mini not only spells the word but displays it on the screen and added a dictionary definition.
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