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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 4, 2008
I am getting really excited. After much research and visiting Apple stores and taking a workshop I am ready to "pull the trigger" as one of the previous posts implies. I have a few questions before I do so.

The package I am looking to get is as follows:
New Blackbook
Microsoft Office
Printer (rebates available)

I have shopped around a little and am considering one of two ways to purchase the machine. Either Amazon or from an Apple Store directly. I find that for the machine as well as the software that Amazon comes up cheaper, plus there is no tax. I have seen people really excited about this as was I, but a good friend of mine told me to be careful because any purchase over $300 you will get charged the tax at the end of the year. Has anyone experienced this? I have also heard accounts about UPS delivering Macbooks and not being careful while carrying them. These accounts make me a little bit nervous. Any thoughts?

Secondly is there any benefit to getting the machine from an Apple Store? I feel like if I don't buy it directly from them that they will be less likely to help if I have problems or need assistance.

Lastly I am a pretty basic computer user, no high graphics or making music for a band. Word processing, internet, iTunes, some photos and movies and maybe more later on. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what software I should get?

Thanks all!
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