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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 4, 2017
I have been using the “ create PDF “ function built into IOS 11 to store Safari files in Notes.
Any article in Safari that I wish to keep ( eg - IPad hints etc) - I create a PDF and then save it to Apple Notes. Some of these articles are fairly long but Ihave noticed that it is only making a PDF of about half the article. For example - if the article is “11 Tips for using an iPad” - the PDF will only capture the first 5 or 6. I’m a bit baffled as to why ? Is there a limit to length that the PDF converter will make ? Or is there a setting I am misssing ?
I hadn’t noticed this for a while - thinking how great it was that I had all this reference material for later viewing ! Only to discover half of it was missing.
Any ideas ?


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
It's possible that the website's coding is affecting the function since it doesn't happen every time.

Do you need the PDF? I just "Add to Notes" which puts the link in a note.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 4, 2017
Linking is ok -but sometimes I wish to keep the article because sites often take down articles.
You may be right about the web page coding. A work around is to use the Mac - save to PDF - save it to desktop - upload to Notes. Then I have it on the iPad. But not as convient as doing all on the iPad.
But I must admit the original idea of being able to save the whole article on the iPad ( and save it to Notes) I thought was a great idea.
I only discovered it couldn’t do it by going back to look at past notes. Then checking a few others.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
Have you tried some other way to create that pdf?

I usually make pdf’s by using the print to iCloud Drive. As far as I know it have never failed.
I have used pdf-apps for this earlier. But it’s seldom today.
The print way saves whatever to a pdf on my iCloud Drive.
Haven’t even tried to use the create pdf button, but good to know it’s not so trustworthy ;)


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 4, 2017
Have you tried some other way to create that pdf?

I usually make pdf’s by using the print to iCloud Drive. As far as I know it have never failed.
I have used pdf-apps for this earlier. But it’s seldom today.
The print way saves whatever to a pdf on my iCloud Drive.
Haven’t even tried to use the create pdf button, but good to know it’s not so trustworthy ;)
[doublepost=1534833901][/doublepost]I wouldnt say “ not trustworthy” - there just seems to be a limit to the length of the document it will convert to PDF. It’s a great function for something that is only one page.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
If you wan’t to rename the issue, fine by me. :)
It’s fine if you don’t want to use another method either.
Not my problem, it’s obviously yours.
Just trying to help and asked if you had tried another way to create your pdf.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 4, 2017
Whoo - no offence meant ! I appreciate the help. Just thought we were having a discussion here. I was just hoping that the “ making PDF “ function in iOS 11 would make it a one step operation.
It does - but seems to be limited in the length of the PDF.


macrumors 68040
Apr 26, 2017
Who knows, can be a bug or just a limited functionality?
Why bother when there’s other ways, right.
If you’re very concerned to solve your problem within just that function.
Send a mail to Tim and ask him ;)

When I think of it closer, I even might have tried that function and found it dissatisfying some time ago.
Can be so.
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