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macrumors 604
Original poster
Aug 15, 2001
The Cool Part of CA, USA
<opening rant>
I design the occasional website. As with most people who use standards-compliant code, I have a deep-seated hatred for IE that is difficult to express with words. However, I do need to make sure that my sites look ok in it. (even if I wish every designer in the world would browser-snif IE and throw up a page that says, "Sorry, get a decent browser and we'll let you in.") Further, quite a few people still use IE5.
</opening rant>

Which brings me to my question: Crossover seems to be absolutely IDEAL for testing my site in IE. I don't even need to fire up Parallels just to do a preview, just a single window. Works like a dream come true with IE6.

...but what about IE5? (Or 5.5, I suppose). Theoretically, it's supported, and if I dump it into its own bottle, it should run... right?

I went and downloaded a "standalone" IE 5.5 SP2 installer (all 80-some MB of it) from a browser archive site, since MS seems to be pretending v5 doesn't exist anymore, created a new Win98 bottle, and ran the installer. It seemed to do everything you'd expect... but it won't actually launch. I select the item, and nothing happens.

Has anybody tired to do this, or have any tips about what I might try to get it working? I'd REALLY like to keep a functioning IE 5 install somewhere for basic testing, and I'd really rather not jump through the hoops required to install it in a Parallels VM alongside 6...

<closing rant>
Am I the only one who hopes whoever coded IE gets up every morning and thinks about the literally thousands of hours of otherwise productive time they have wasted around the world? There should be prison sentences for causing that many people that much hassle.
</closing rant>
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