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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 16, 2017
My last phone, a Samsung 6S, had a VPN set up on it that had to be utilizing our wifi. The way I discovered it was the fact that all our devices would freeze occasionally, all at the same time, and one day while I was on my tablet and it froze, and my phone was lying near and it made a sound similar a low fax sound. I picked it up, tried to open it, but it was frozen. I noted the time because while looking through my settings before, I had found a VPN. When my phone unfroze, I checked the time on the log. It coincided exactly with my tablet freeze! I started saving the logs. Mine and my husband's tablets would freeze at the same times as the beginning time on te VPN logs. The log contained info like certain interfaces removed and certain interfaces added.
I spoke to a representative at Verizon that told me the VPN is used for updates. I find it hard to believe that a VPN used for updating my phone would interfere with all our other tablets and computer.
Can anyone elaborate on this? I could use some help understanding why my phone came to me with a working Virtual Private Network on it.
While I was waiting in the Verizon store, out of curiosity, l looked on some other phones and sure enough, there were VPNs set up on some of those. I asked couldn't they be compromised by a bad app or a hacker? The rep said no way. None could get access. I said, do you know everyone personally who puts your phones together? He said no. I asked then how would you know that there isn't someone working there who is compromising every phone they can to be able to sell access? He hesitantly said "it is possible".
My iPhone says no VPN. How can I be sure?
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