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macrumors 603
Original poster
May 31, 2015
Curious why does cellular get saturated unlike hardwire lines ? I understand now why a cellular connection could never replace a hardwire line for internet streaming high quality 4k videos and movies.

I know what people are going to say why or what is the need to have a 4k quality video on such a small phone or tablet screen. I don't care. Still nice to have.

P.S. I know I won't get many replies here.


macrumors 65816
Jul 8, 2013
The regular phone system can indeed be overloaded (no circuit available) and has happened many times.
The reason a cell tower gets saturated is there are only so many timeslices of so many channels available. So if you have, say, a huge outdoor event near a tower, service starts degrading. It’s a limited resource like anything.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
Think of a cell tower as a funnel. Only so much water can go through it at a time.
A land line (cable or fiber) is more like a 10 ft wide drainage pipe.
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