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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 6, 2019
Hello - I've run a few deep scans with Data Rescue 5 (trial version). I get through Phase 3. I see my lost files (images, movies, audio), but the Preview fails in a few ways. I get a message box saying the app has crashed (but it hasn't). Or nothing happens. I've been in touch with ProSoft. I've sent them Apple crash reports, DR support info zipped file. One of their info sheets says adjust ABL settings if Preview doesn't work properly. I have no idea where those are. Disk Warrior rebuilt my directory. Disk Drill failed. I'll try ProSoft again on Monday - but I'm close to giving up. Pricey Data recovery is the next option on another back up drive (same data). Long story. Any advice out there? I'm on El Capitan, MacBook Pro 2009.
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