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macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2005
I have decided to buy a G5 to supplement my 1 GHz G4 Powerbook.

The first decision is wether or not to go refurb or new. The current refurb listings as of this post are:

Older Generation
Refurbished Power Mac G5 1.8 GHz $1,299.00
256MB/ 80GB/ SuperDrive/ GigE/ 56K
Refurbished Power Mac G5 DUAL 2.5GHz $2,299.00
512MB/ 160GB/ 8x SuperDrive/ PCI-X/ Rad9600XT

Current Generation
Refurbished Power Mac G5 Dual 2GHz SuperDrive $1,799.00
Refurbished Power Mac G5 Dual 2.3GHz SuperDrive $2,199.00

I wouldn't mind buying a refurbished Apple product because my roommate's refurbished Powerbook is still going strong.

Then of course Apple has the normal retail offerings, everyone knows what they are, Dual 2, 2.3, 2.7, $1,799.00, $2,299.00, $2,699.00 respectively. Those are educational prices btw.

Now the decision is which one. Do I go low end and pick up the referb single 1.8 or dual 2.0 (retail or refurb), and wait for the Intel based macs? Or do I go high end, and ride through the first several years of the Intel based macs? Of course this decision would be easier if we didn't have to deal with Intel.

What do you think? I just don't want to look back a few years from now and wish I bought something faster, or vice versa.



macrumors 68030
Apr 17, 2004
A Stoned Throw From Ground Zero
The dual 1.8 and newer Rev C 2.0 both share the limited prosumer
motherboard allowing for only 4 GB RAM and standard 33MHz PCI
expansion slots.

I'd try to catch a REV B 2.0 refurb or go for the 2.3. NEW
Both share the PRO 8 DIMM motherboard with the faster 133MHz PCI-X
expansion slots

Rev B 2.0 has the 8 X SuperDrive
Rev C 2.0 has the 16X Dual Layer

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
The 1.8 was known to have a few issues but they were pretty rare. I'd say the dual 2.0 is the best value deal of those listed. Don't bother waiting for Intel, any of these machines will give you a huge performance boost.


macrumors 68030
Apr 17, 2004
A Stoned Throw From Ground Zero
I sure wish Apple would scrap the damn prosumer motherboards
altogether and use the PRO 8 GB Dimms motherboard in all PowerMacs.

Maybe something cool will turn up at the Paris Expo.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2005
I'm not headed home until the 24th of this month, so with the expo on the 20th, if anything new comes out, I can take that into consideration.

I am also thinking a new dual 2.3.

Any other thoughts?

Thanks for your input.



macrumors 68030
Apr 17, 2004
A Stoned Throw From Ground Zero
That's the sweet spot in the whole lineup!

If you're getting the 2.3, you might as well
get the 256MB GPU since it's such a reasonable upgrade.

Order your extra RAM from Crucial or OWC
AppleRAM ( SAMSUNG) is insanely overpriced.

1 GB recommended 2 GB is ideal.



Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
I bought my Refurbished Dual 2.0 (REV B) on April 1st 2005 (Apples birthday and the day EVERYONE on macrumors was expecting a keynote from Jobs, and new Macintosh computers).

I have had little or no issues with it, and the machine is great! I still haven't taken the protective plastic off of the sides yet! (i am terrible with things like that)


macrumors P6
Oct 20, 2002
bloodfist said:
I'm not headed home until the 24th of this month, so with the expo on the 20th, if anything new comes out, I can take that into consideration.

I am also thinking a new dual 2.3.

Any other thoughts?

Thanks for your input.


I would recommend waiting until the Paris Expo. The 2.3 is a very nice machine. it will last you until the Rev B. Intel Mac. Just be sure to get AppleCare and extra RAM. Most would recommend at least 1 GB and get ti from Crucial.


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2005
Dual 2.3 w/ 9650 and Bluetooth upgrades and Applecare - $2,588.00
Dual 2.7 w/ Bluetooh upgrade and Applecare (9650 standard) - $2,943.00

Since I am spending this much money, why not go all out. I mean with this amount of cash, $355 isn't a whole lot more money. For that $355 I get 800 MHz more (400x2) and a 200 MHz faster bus.

As you can see I'm very indecisive at this point. When I started this post, I thought that the dual 2.7 was worth the extra cash, but now that I spelled it out, I see that its not worth it.

What do you think?



macrumors member
Jun 15, 2005
rev B 2.0 or new 2.3 ?

Would anyone give a good reason to get a new dual 2.3 over a Rev B 2.0? The only difference i can see is Superdrive, Graphics Card, UTA vs SATA, and HDD size.

Is this worth the $500 - $600 extra considering the speed increase from 2.0 -> 2.3 is going to be minimal ... I get an education discount so can get a new 2.3 base model for 2299.



macrumors 68000
Aug 19, 2003
Denver, CO
id say go for the newest/best you can get now. then wait out the first generation of intel machines. theres a good chance the first ones will only preform as well as the current G5 line up (assuming the next upgrade for the powermac is the intel line). i have a rev A PB that i got right when the Rev B came out (so i got a good deal on the A) but looking back on it i should have gotten the Rev B b/c it has a few things that now i really wish i had (mini DVI out instead of minVGA out, and USB 2!!!!) so if you wait for the second generation of intel powermacs (or some new pro line, do you think they will ditch the power name?)


macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2005
I have a Rev B Powerbook right now, and I'm treating it more like a desktop, than a portable, and it shows. That's why I'm getting this G5. Mini DVI and USB 2.0 are big features, the only thing thats different between the customized systems listed in post #10 is bus speed and processor speed, which like the Mivi VGA and USB 1.1 can't be upgraded. I just don't know if the the difference mentioned is worth almost $400.

I am not going home until the weekend after the Paris Expo, so I can see if the release anything new in the Power line.



macrumors member
Original poster
Apr 30, 2005
FF_productions said:
WAIT until Paris Expo like everyone else is saying...If no updates happen, jump on a dual 2.7 if you can afford it...

Of course I'm going to wait, but like I said before, I am not too sure the 400MHz/processor and 200MHz bus speed increase is really worth $355.

I guess its down to 2.3 v 2.7...let the best PowerMac win. 2.3 or 2.7?



macrumors 68030
Apr 17, 2004
A Stoned Throw From Ground Zero
I know Apple changed water cooler manufacturers going to the 2.7,
but those puppies still run hot and that ends up making them noisier
than the 2.3 or 2.0. under load.

That $300+ difference gets you 2 GB of RAM (3rd party) and the 256 MB GPU upgrade that will both greatly improve your performance.
If you're hell bent on trashing your savings add the ATI x850. :D

You haven't mentioned monitors, so I can only assume you either have something good or you've already budgeted for something new.

Wait for Paris Expo, then take it from there.
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