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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2019
Durango, Colorado
I’m not sure defective would be the word to describe this but essentially, I purchased an iPhone XS 256GB from AT&T and I believe that something might be wrong with the quality, placement, or something else with the glass on the front screen. I keep getting progressively worse cracks on it and I’m confused as to why this could be happening. Since I am actually serious about this, I’ll be blunt with you guys. I’ve dropped it once onto the carpet from roughly waist height. The screen did not initially crack from that. The first thing I did was take it out of its case and examine if there was any damage to the display or the back of the aluminum (I think that’s what the sides are made out of). None at all. I brushed it off and put it back in its case and then my pocket. There was nothing in my pocket that the phone was in (no keys, change, etc...) that could’ve cracked it but I got a hairline crack starting at the right bottom corner of it when I pulled it out around 10 MINUTES LATER. I was pretty butthurt considering that I had it for only a week. I’ve always been gentle with my phones and always have a case on them and I never put anything else in the same pocket as my phone is in. The screen since has just started cracking more and more and I’m starting to doubt the stability of this display. The next one was another hairline branching off of the initial one to start, back towards its origin of the bottom right corner. I use my phone all the time for work because I deliver pizzas for Dominos. So my phone is always plugged into Apple CarPlay via USB and it sits in the front passenger seat all the time. I don’t throw anything in my passenger seat while my phone is plugged in ever (because I put the food and other items in my rear seats). And today, another 3 cracks just spontaneously occur when I check my phone to punch in an address happen. One branching up towards the perimeter of the screen (this one looks very weird almost as if it’s magnifying the led) I’ll provide pictures of it. Another crack going downwards from the original hairline. And the most odd of all, a lone crack that has no ending destination (such as reaching the boundaries of the display) that stops with no other connections to other cracks. This all happened while I was charging my phone and I don’t know what to do since it’s really expensive to replace the screen. I still have the warranty that Apple issues when a new phone is purchased and I know that they can check the phones accelerometer for impacts. Has anyone else had this happen to them at all? I’ve never heard of anybody or myself having this happen and I’ve owned 5 different models of iPhones. Let me know what you guys think because this is really bothering me and I’m worried that if I take it to an Apple authorized service center that they’re pretty much going to tell me to F*** off. Thank you guys for reading this (I know it’s long) but any help at all is greatly appreciated.


macrumors 604
Aug 19, 2017
Unfortunately since you don’t have AppleCare+ I believe screen replacement will be your responsibility. The only crack that would be covered would be one singular crack with absolutely no branching or impact mark which in itself is very rare hence considered a defect. My advice to you is to go to an Apple store and plead your case, you may find someone who will sympathize with your situation. If you have no luck, I would strongly consider having them replace the screen even with the high cost. The phone is so new I’d want a genuine Apple screen which will be calibrated and repaired properly..


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
First, when you post a thread, please use paragraphs. Folks will see your thread as a wall of text and skip over it. Okay.

I agree with the previous reply, take it to Apple and pay them to replace the screen. It will likely be expensive if you don't have AppleCare + but you'll have a genuine Apple screen. Also, it might be a good idea to buy a good screen protector. My wife dropped her phone several times and the screen protector showed cracks, but when we pulled it off, the phone's screen was like new. Screen protectors work well, but buy a good one.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2019
Durango, Colorado
First, when you post a thread, please use paragraphs. Folks will see your thread as a wall of text and skip over it. Okay.

I agree with the previous reply, take it to Apple and pay them to replace the screen. It will likely be expensive if you don't have AppleCare + but you'll have a genuine Apple screen. Also, it might be a good idea to buy a good screen protector. My wife dropped her phone several times and the screen protector showed cracks, but when we pulled it off, the phone's screen was like new. Screen protectors work well, but buy a good one.
First, when you post a thread, please use paragraphs. Folks will see your thread as a wall of text and skip over it. Okay.

I agree with the previous reply, take it to Apple and pay them to replace the screen. It will likely be expensive if you don't have AppleCare + but you'll have a genuine Apple screen. Also, it might be a good idea to buy a good screen protector. My wife dropped her phone several times and the screen protector showed cracks, but when we pulled it off, the phone's screen was like new. Screen protectors work well, but buy a good one.
Ok thanks for letting me know. As odd as it is, I guess I’m just gonna hope they sympathize with me. Yeah and first time ya know, my b not using paragraphs. Noted for future reference.
Unfortunately since you don’t have AppleCare+ I believe screen replacement will be your responsibility. The only crack that would be covered would be one singular crack with absolutely no branching or impact mark which in itself is very rare hence considered a defect. My advice to you is to go to an Apple store and plead your case, you may find someone who will sympathize with your situation. If you have no luck, I would strongly consider having them replace the screen even with the high cost. The phone is so new I’d want a genuine Apple screen which will be calibrated and repaired properly..
Thanks for the reply. Looks like that’s what I’m gonna end up doing ugh.


macrumors 68020
Jul 17, 2015
Bum deal for sure. Best luck to you. For the record, Apple does not capture accelerometer data to check if the phone has experienced a drop. Not sure where you heard that.
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