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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 31, 2015
It's incredibly important for my job as I'm often way out in areas with no reception and I'm getting a sick feeling as I'm looking through it and I no longer see a way to keep an area downloaded for safe usage when data connection drops out. Anyone know where to find it? Thanks!


macrumors 601
Nov 10, 2018
They moved it. Instead of accessing the menu in the top left touch your avatar on the top right.


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2012
Spain, Europe
Please don’t delete the thread or edit the title, as this same question may be important for another user in the future and this way they won’t find the answer and post again to ask about the same thing.

It is good to share our knowledge and let it here so other people can learn from it.



macrumors 6502
Feb 1, 2008
Did someone delete a thread that I bumped or am I going crazy?
Did someone delete a thread that I bumped or am I going crazy?

i necroposted by accident on purpose and I want to delete what kind of phone I have
Also, I am NOT going crazy.

please delete my post WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE and do NOT delete the thread.

the thread was about phone calls on the lock screen it was from November of 2019.

thank you muchísimas gracias over.
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