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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

I found this on Steam and purchased it during a sale for $10. When purchased its looks like you get 2 games, one is labeled as the Prolog. I started with the Prolog. In the prolog it is described as a vacation on an island gone wrong. You start out in a sewer system, looking for a away out and off the island, picking up items, crafting basic stuff, and being tutored with mechanics. The game looks pretty, built in the Unreal Engine.

After a couple hours of play, I disliked the checkpoint save system, as I am a casual player. You can get though some difficult situations, then die before a checkpoint, and... you have to do it all over again. Because this is early access, I have suggested an easier save as you go system for casual players, in the game’s discussion forum at Steam.

It looks like this is escape and evade game, with a lot of Tomb Raider climbing. I don’t know how much armor if any you acquire. The weapons so far are a wrench, stick, craft a knife, a baton and a crossbow I took off a guard. I checked out the game’s wiki page and don’t see other weapons listed, so the bottom line you are not a powerful character, or have the ability to become one as far as I can tell. It seems to be best to run away often. I have taken guards down with minimal health loss, but frequently, one fight with a guard or crazy person can result in a 25-75% loss of health, and keep in mind health kits are few and far between. There are drugs that can be crafted to help with healing.

The weapons don’t show stats, so you either guess what is most powerful (wrench, more powerful than a knife) or find the game’s Wiki page.

Anyway, I’ll stick with it for a bit. In a sequence, I killed some dogs, killed a guard, got the crap beat out of me trying to administer a syringe so I could acquire a crossbow, no stealth kills as far as I can tell, then soon after died, and was offered the chance to restart at the last checkpoint before all this happened. ?


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I got an answer from the developer over at Steam. It turns out the Main game has difficulty settings that allow saving at anytime, but (I assume) the Prolog made earlier, does not have this feature. Weapon stats will be added, and possibly stealth kills. So I’m switching over to the main game and try that. As I said, I like the environment in this game. More to come. :)


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Now that I’ve found the settings to increase stamina, hydration, and strength, this has made a huge difference in game play, much more fun, and I’m having fun with it. It’s got a climbing element which is easy to master and includes a fatigue element similar to Tomb Raider and The Climb (VR title). with a stick, you can build a campfire, a mechanism whose only purpose is to save the game, unlike the campfires you will find in the game, that can be used to cook, (although I have yet to figure out how to harvest meat from dead goats, foxes, and dogs), the campfire save mechanism dies not create a campfire for some strange reason, it just produces a “game saved“ icon on your screen. The game is in early access. Well worth the $10-20 to play it. :)


Nice Graphics, Environment


Easy, fairly forgiving to master climbing. When you look at something that can be jumped to, the cursor changes and your arm stretches out.


Since I upped my strength, I’m no longer as fearful of the wild dogs. Apparently someone turned some lose on the island. I don’t believe they act as guard dogs, they just roam the landscape and thankfully they don’t travel in packs, at least I’ve not seen a pack yet.


A Perception ability highlight things around you like wild Rottweilers and individuals like this who carry large sickles which they will slice you with if they see you, and if you can’t get away from. There is also the ability to hide in tall grass, crops by crouching, which eases the ability to navigate the landscape. I had one after me and lost him in the sunflowers.
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