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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 3, 2019

long time silent reader, never asked a question yet so i hope you will be lenient :)

Due to Security Issues (Thunderclap) we need to disable all Thunderbolt interfaces except the DP Connection. Background: iMac (Late 2015), MacOs 10.14.5

Currently there is a secondary Apple Display connected via a Thunderbolt Port.

I already tried to kextunload via

$ sudo kextunload
$ sudo kextunload -b 6.8.4
$ sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/IOThunderboltFamily.kext

Also i found the right process using

$ kextstat -a

75 3 0xffffff7f8198f000 0xf000 0xf000 x86_64 (5.6.4) C6AEB6E6-AFFC-355F-8073-73E21E8BC49E <65 12 6 5 3 1>

Everytime when i try to unload i get the messages that there was a Problem to terminate the services.

If there is a solution that disconnects external Thunderbolt devices right after i plug it in would be ok as well. Perfect solution would be to have a mechanic to just prevent Mass Storage Thunderbolt Devices to mount. Either due to disabled Thunderbolt Drivers or other methods. I hope you can help me with this Problem.

Thanks in Advance
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