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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 2, 2012
i just do NOT understand the whole "calorie goal" thing. I have no idea what it should be set at.

I know that when I first set up the watch it provided an initial goal/number. I had no idea what it meant -- can't even remember what it was -- and I stupidly and randomly changed it. Is there a way to get that back, at least as a point of reference?

What exactly is it asking for with that number? The watch never asked me if I wanted to lose weight or maintain, (I'm happy to maintain) so what in the world are they basing their default calorie goal at?!

What is your calorie goal set at? And how did you arrive at that?

Any help or clarity GREATLY appreciated! THANK YOU!


macrumors member
Apr 25, 2015
Mine asks me if I want to change it every week and suggests a new number based on my previous weeks activity.

If you want to change it at any other time, just force press the Move Screen and it will bring up something to change your number


macrumors 6502
Oct 7, 2013
Sydney, Australia
I am pretty sure that your calorie goal is set to maintain your weight (not lose weight).

as for the initial calculation of your calorie goal, it is based on a series of factors such as your sex, age, weight and how active you stated you were. As a result, everyone's goal is going to be different Your goal is only an estimate and you can alter your goal whenever you want.

When my goal was first set up, I was hitting it fairly easily and so Apple Watch adjusted my goal upwards. After each week, your watch will set you a new goal based on your previous week. This goal should be realistic and achievable for you.

So even though you don't know what your initial goal was, it does not really matter as your Watch will set you a new goal at the start of the week.

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008
So even though you don't know what your initial goal was, it does not really matter as your Watch will set you a new goal at the start of the week.

Just want to note that the Watch *suggests* a new goal, but you can reject the change, or enter a different number.

If you are interested in losing weight, you could adjust your goal higher than the suggested number. Or you could challenge yourself to go over your goal each day.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
Just want to note that the Watch *suggests* a new goal, but you can reject the change, or enter a different number.

If you are interested in losing weight, you could adjust your goal higher than the suggested number. Or you could challenge yourself to go over your goal each day.

That's good to know. I'm so bad at fitness stuff! I just need to figure up how many exercise calories I need to start a sustainable 2lbs per week cut which shouldn't be too difficult since I'm a little bit bigger guy. My watch is preparing to ship so I don't have it yet…does it take into account your body measurements to calculate it for you? My diet isn't changing too much, just smaller portions and leaner meats, maybe a few more fruits and veggies but nothing crazy.


macrumors 68000
Jun 17, 2009
1lb is equilavent to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 lb cut back on 3500 calories or burn that same amount


macrumors 6502a
Jun 4, 2009
Las Vegas
I can say from my own findings with a good degree of certainty that the activity calories are goal calories to burn beyond your BMR. I'm 6'5", 29 years old and male. My BMR is about 1950 calories. The activity tracker has set a goal of 770 calories on top of 1950. That essentially makes my target goal of daily calorie burn 2720 calories.

Here is the most important part of the whole equation. How many calories am I consuming? Sound and proven nutritional sciences advises a 500 calorie deficit to lose a pound a week (losing fat), a 500 calorie surplus to gain weight (put on muscle when lifting), and net 0 to maintain.

Find our your goals, obsessively track BOTH your activity levels and your daily calorie intakes, and see results.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 2, 2012
Thanks, guys!

Ahhhhh, I think I'm getting it! Thank you all so much for the helpful replies. :)

So the calorie number is your personal daily goal of calories to burn through movement/exercise/activity.

I haven't gotten any adjustments from the watch on my goal so I looked back and I haven't been meeting it. :eek: I just changed it lower and I'm now going to pay more attention to it and work on challenging myself to move more and ultimately see how high I can get (and maintain) that #.

Great thread, THANKS AGAIN! :p



Apparently I was in an excited HURRY AND FLURRY when I set up my watch :p because I just blitzed through it quickly, thinking any settings, etc., that I chose could be changed later.

Well, when it asked my initial activity level I don't remember what I chose. I skimmed the questions and I THINK I chose "moderate" but I'm not sure.

Is there any way to go back to that initial question and review the options and possibly even re-choose?! I have looked and looked and not found that. Even my Apple watch phone *********ie had no idea. :eek:

But I bet someone here knows!!!! :) THANK YOU!!!

Night Spring

macrumors G5
Jul 17, 2008

[/COLOR]Apparently I was in an excited HURRY AND FLURRY when I set up my watch :p because I just blitzed through it quickly, thinking any settings, etc., that I chose could be changed later.

Well, when it asked my initial activity level I don't remember what I chose. I skimmed the questions and I THINK I chose "moderate" but I'm not sure.

Is there any way to go back to that initial question and review the options and possibly even re-choose?! I have looked and looked and not found that. Even my Apple watch phone *********ie had no idea. :eek:

But I bet someone here knows!!!! :) THANK YOU!!!

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to go back to that question. However, all it does is set the initial calorie goal. Since you already know from having had the watch on for a while what your base calorie level is, there's no real reason to go back and reset that. Just go with the calorie level you've picked, and see if you can increase that over the long run.


macrumors 6502
Feb 9, 2008
London, UK.
Ahhhhh, I think I'm getting it! Thank you all so much for the helpful replies. :)

So the calorie number is your personal daily goal of calories to burn through movement/exercise/activity.

I haven't gotten any adjustments from the watch on my goal so I looked back and I haven't been meeting it. :eek: I just changed it lower and I'm now going to pay more attention to it and work on challenging myself to move more and ultimately see how high I can get (and maintain) that #.

Great thread, THANKS AGAIN! :p



Apparently I was in an excited HURRY AND FLURRY when I set up my watch :p because I just blitzed through it quickly, thinking any settings, etc., that I chose could be changed later.

Well, when it asked my initial activity level I don't remember what I chose. I skimmed the questions and I THINK I chose "moderate" but I'm not sure.

Is there any way to go back to that initial question and review the options and possibly even re-choose?! I have looked and looked and not found that. Even my Apple watch phone *********ie had no idea. :eek:

But I bet someone here knows!!!! :) THANK YOU!!!

Force touch the screen when using the activity app on your watch, whilst the calorie ring is on the screen. You can change your calorie goal.


macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 2, 2012
Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a way to go back to that question. However, all it does is set the initial calorie goal. Since you already know from having had the watch on for a while what your base calorie level is, there's no real reason to go back and reset that. Just go with the calorie level you've picked, and see if you can increase that over the long run.

Ah, I understand that now. Thank you for your speedy and concise reply, it was just what I needed!
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