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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 16, 2002
Tasmania, Australia
Do the Intel Macs get the bus multiplier off the CPU like very other PC or is is set on the board? There is almost no doubt that the intel macs use the same 479 pin CPU sockets as all the other Core Solo or Core Duo Laptops and motherboards. So they Would take faster CPU's but the question is, would they run them at their specified speed or is the mac hardware set to run the CPU at a certain speed? It'd certainly be nice to get a MacBook Pro and put a 2.16GHz Core Duo into it!


macrumors 6502a
Oct 29, 2004
newer chips

That'd be a very interesting thing to wait for. Are current laptops running Pentium D's swap-gradeable? That'd be a great bonus for going Intel too. mind you:

faster chips -> hotter laptops -> bye bye sperm?

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