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macrumors 68000
Feb 14, 2005
Northern Ireland
Unless the superdrives get a lot thinner than they currently are, I doubt it. That's why they didn't make it to the current MBPs.

That, or increase the size of the MBP to over an inch, but I think Apple likes to keep it at an inch or below.


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
generik said:
Why would the price increase? For the current price I expect a BLURAY drive included as well! :mad:

You obviously expect too much then. Either that or you are really out of touch with technology pricing, or your are trolling the boards with a absurd post to get comments. I vote both, then again you have quite the chip on your shoulder, dont worry everytime i see you lunge at someone for no reason/they dont agree with you i report your post. Stop being so rude to people for once.

And i don't only mean in this post in particular, i mean in the majority of your responses on the Merom/MBP/upgrades to MBP/MBP in general subjects you are rude to anyone you are addressing that doesn't agree with you or take your opinion as gold.



macrumors 68000
Aug 1, 2000
i hope this is the basic level.


at least as option


macrumors 6502a
Feb 24, 2006
Blue-Ray would had $700 plus it makes no sense in putting a Blue-Ray drive in now, the only thing you could really do is watch movies, the highest burning speed is like 2X. Maybe at Macworld we will see Blue-Ray


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
iGary said:
Didn't the last revision PB have DL?

Yup, but they made the MBP thinner, which meant that only the thicker 17" got the DL burner. I suppose until whoever they use to buy DL burners from can make them small enough to fit in the 15.4" shell i dont think we will see a DL soon except in the 17" models.



macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 25, 2005
Kind of sucks how they sacrifice features for style in what is essentially a top of the line 'Pro' product. Some things about Apple really bug me, they've taken technology backwards just to shave a couple of mm off the size.


macrumors 68000
Feb 14, 2005
Northern Ireland
Just out of curiosity, how many people actually burn DL discs? I've yet to come across any, and I certainly don't ever find myself really wanting them. I'm just trying to establish whether this desire for DL drives in the MBP is driven more by actual need or just because the 17" MBP has them?


macrumors member
Aug 30, 2006
NATO said:
Unless the superdrives get a lot thinner than they currently are, I doubt it. That's why they didn't make it to the current MBPs.

That, or increase the size of the MBP to over an inch, but I think Apple likes to keep it at an inch or below.

So, i decided that this whole thread doesn't make logical sense... at least not in your reason for apple not including a dl drive in 15" models.

both 15" and 17" mbp are exactly 1.0" thick, at least according to apple's tech specs. So logically, this means if it fits in one, it should fit in the other.



macrumors 6502a
Nov 21, 2005
Raleigh, NC
mrdice87 said:
both 15" and 17" mbp are exactly 1.0" thick, at least according to apple's tech specs. So logically, this means if it fits in one, it should fit in the other.

They are both the same thickness, but the 17" is wider then the 15". In the 15" the superdrive has to sit under the trackpad but on the 17" the superdrive clears the trackpad and doesn't have anything above it. The trackpad takes up a little bit of vertical space meaning that internally the 15" is thinner then the 17".

On my powerbook the trackpad is significantly narrower then on the MBP and the DVD drive just barely clears it. Does any one know if the Dual Layer drive would have fit in the 15" MBP had they made the trackpad narrower?


macrumors 601
Aug 5, 2005
Bill Gates said:
Right...considering the average retail cost for such a drive is US $600. :rolleyes:

You are assuming that Apple, which buys components in the 100ks, pays retail pricing... there is at least 30% markup on anything you buy in retail, and that's just between the distributor and the store. Who knows how much it really costs for the big boys.

For all we know a Blueray drive is really just $30 worth of materials :rolleyes:

Ed H said:
You obviously expect too much then. Either that or you are really out of touch with technology pricing, or your are trolling the boards with a absurd post to get comments. I vote both, then again you have quite the chip on your shoulder, dont worry everytime i see you lunge at someone for no reason/they dont agree with you i report your post. Stop being so rude to people for once.

And i don't only mean in this post in particular, i mean in the majority of your responses on the Merom/MBP/upgrades to MBP/MBP in general subjects you are rude to anyone you are addressing that doesn't agree with you or take your opinion as gold.


Whatever. The point remains, others can deliver a DL drive in their offerings for way less than what Apple is charging for a SL dvd burner. Oh, and Apple still uses a Superdrive as a differential factor in their line in what, 2006? Hello? Everyone else offers DVD burner upgrades for like $40.

By the way keep clicking on that report link, I am not in the least bothered. Fanboism and blind defense of Apple disgusts me.

Bill Gates

macrumors 68030
Jun 21, 2006
generik said:
You are assuming that Apple, which buys components in the 100ks, pays retail pricing... there is at least 30% markup on anything you buy in retail, and that's just between the distributor and the store. Who knows how much it really costs for the big boys.

For all we know a Blueray drive is really just $30 worth of materials :rolleyes:
No, I am referring to retail cost. All of the laptops currently on the market with BluRay drives are over $3000. Where it stands, MacBook Pro's aren't overpriced.


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2004
Calgary, AB
generik said:
By the way keep clicking on that report link, I am not in the least bothered. Fanboism and blind defense of Apple disgusts me.

you know, most of the time I find your post to be right on the ball and quite rational. Yet you seem to pick the most offensive way to get your points across.

It's possible to make a point with out being so stand off-ish all the time. Just my 2 cents.


macrumors 65816
Apr 15, 2006
I'd love if Blu-ray was a BTO option on a macbook pro i for one would pay the $700 for it.

But it won't happen untill leopard and maybe iLife '07. Even than the MacPro will be the first to get it. Maybe next years WWDC.(just thinking about it makes me want to buy a used mac for now lol):p


macrumors newbie
Apr 9, 2006
If sony can put a Blu-Ray drive on their laptops than so can Apple. Sony is probably the closest in terms of aesthetics and is probably Apple's closest competitor, though there are technically none as only Apple runs OSX. Also, There's no way a BR drive costs $700 in addtion to the costs of the laptop. Even if it were a $500 add on I think it would be worth it. In addtiion, the first DVD-RW Apple used were 2x anyway and would only read "-" and not "+" so the speed is irrelevant as to why Apple isn't using it. Also, despite the slow speed, can anyone argue with the possibilty of a rewritable 50gb disc. The possibilities are endless and fit perfectly in the realm of a Mac user.

As for DL on the 15", wouldn't you rather them skip straight to BR anyway? Oh, they also left out the FW800 on the 15" compared to the 17" so the 15" really is a stop gap to the big daddy. At least its screen realestate, GCPU, keyboard, and additionaly ports make it more of an upgrade over the MB than the PB was to the iBook.


macrumors 65816
Apr 15, 2006
Another reason why we won't see blu-ray is probibly because there arn't slot loading drives yet are there? and isn't blu-ray a(excuse me old terminology) skuzzy?


macrumors Core
Jul 24, 2006
The Ivory Tower (I'm not coming down)
generik said:
Whatever. The point remains, others can deliver a DL drive in their offerings for way less than what Apple is charging for a SL dvd burner. ...

By the way keep clicking on that report link, I am not in the least bothered. Fanboism and blind defense of Apple disgusts me.

Yet, you still keep coming to the Apple forums? We don't care how much you despise Apple's shortcomings. Go buy a Thinkpad and stop complaining already.
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