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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 27, 2023
Hello friends,
A few months ago my iPhone was stolen, it was my only device so when I tried to login I needed the code sent to the iPhone (sms) but it was stolen so I couldn't access to my iCloud account until the next day when I bought a new chip.

After that I decided to use gmail as my iCloud account.
Do you use the same?


macrumors member
Jul 9, 2019
This has changed somewhat the last few years with software updates, from what I understand. Previously, the situation you found yourself in happened more frequently but now, Apple gives multiple ways for one to setup to verify their account, if their device is stolen/broken/locked out, etc. You can give a trusted family or friend’s email or phone number and they can use that to verify your account. So the iCloud email issue should matter a lot less. Here is an article from Apple about it: (I seem to remember that Apple also allows more than one email address to be associated with your AppleID and anyone of them can be used to sign in - though the article is less clear about whether notifications would be sent to more than one email address. There is one line that alludes to this being the case.)
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