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Spanky Deluxe

macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Mar 17, 2005
London, UK
Yes, yes I know its about a Microsoft product but to me its important in regards to buying a new Mac! I've got Vista Beta 1 and it runs ok right now on a normal PC but I don't know if EFI is supported yet. I know it is in the 64 bit version but I'm not sure about the 32 bit version. I know the final product will have it but Beta 1 might not. If nobody knows here then I'll have to resort to sifting through the bloat documentation of Microsoft which I really don't enjoy!! If not in Beta 1 then any ideas if its planned for Beta 2?

I'd be very tempted to go all-mac if Beta 1 can install on the latest macs mind you I'll probably wait for the Powermac replacements to be released.

PS Didn't quite know which forum this should have gone in but guessed since it was to do with installing on a mac it should maybe go here.

Please don't flame me for talking about installing Windows on a Mac. I still need to use Windows. Wine and VirtualPC won't cut it.


Spanky Deluxe

macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Mar 17, 2005
London, UK
ReanimationLP said:
Dunno off hand. I'll check.

Though why go with Vista when you can run XP on your new Mac?

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 has EFI support built in.

That's AWESOME news!! :-D :-D

I'm thinking of waiting until the PowerMacs and 12/13" iBook/MacBook Pros come out though until diving in. I think I'd rather go the whole hog and switch everything at once. Besides which I don't think I want a 15" laptop and I don't want an all in one desktop.

Spanky Deluxe

macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Mar 17, 2005
London, UK
I just checked to see if there was a boot folder in Beta 1 and there is! So Vista Beta 1 (and it seems Windows XP Media Centre Edition) should hopefully be able to install on the new Intel Macs.


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