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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 18, 2006
that posts in the market place dont count or am i the only one.


Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
Posts did count and because of abuse, the Marketplace was changed to counter the abuse.

Bill Gates

macrumors 68030
Jun 21, 2006
The post count is a measure of one's contribution to the forums. Posts for buying or selling an item don't contribute to the overall quality or resourcefulness of the forums.


macrumors 601
Oct 21, 2004
Bill Gates said:
The post count is a measure of one's contribution to the forums. Posts for buying or selling an item don't contribute to the overall quality or resourcefulness of the forums.
It's been this way for a good while with the Political Forum where posts are not tallied. I don't think anyone who regularly posts there cares one way or the other. Post count may or may not reflect contribution proportionately to the forums in general.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
bousozoku said:
Posts did count and because of abuse, the Marketplace was changed to counter the abuse.
Which is exactly the moment I stopped seeing this from one member in particular...

"I am selling an iPod Mini...Silver."

Member I am talking about: "Pics"

He always commented on nearly every single marketplace post there was. Pics, price, color, damage, does it work? I know he has bought things, sold those same things and bought more things and then sold them, but in the end, I knew it was a post count thing. It bothered me to the point that he gave false hope to people selling stuff. I hadn't ever sold anything there when he was doing it, but in the end I knew what his motive was.

I am glad as hell that post count doesn't count there. I also think it should not count in that one "Post your Setup" thread.


macrumors 68000
Nov 10, 2004
Are post counts really that important? I thought it was the contribution that mattered.

If you're really post count dependent then sign up for AppleTalk Australia forum, they don't care how worthwhile your contributions are, but the more post counts you have the better.


macrumors 68020
Dec 4, 2005
Still here.
mad jew said:
Post counts are ridiculous and mean almost nothing.
Exactly. I don't see the big deal about them. One's life must be pretty bland if he/she is that concerned about an online forum post count.
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