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macrumors 68020
Sep 19, 2010
I think the iPP could replace my MacBook, as long as I have an iMac at home. That is, for mobile computing, the iPP is enough, and in many ways better than a MacBook because of increased portability, instant-on, and can be charged with a lightning charger. There are some things that the iPP can't do, but those things can wait until I get home to my iMac.

Actually, come to think of it, the iPad replaced my MacBook many years ago. For the last several years, my MBA has been parked on my desk at the office, acting as a desktop, while I carried my iPad everywhere with me.

I think you make a good point. When folks say an iPad has replaced their need for a laptop, people will often jump-in with comments about the limitations of iOS vs OSX. However, I really think the context related to portable computing needs. I think there are lots of people that could maintain a very productive workflow with a desktop computer at home/office and an iPad whilst on the go. The desktop does not need to be all that expensive either (e.g. Mac Mini), and could have a much longer replacement cycle than a laptop, which tend to get beat-up when you carry it around everywhere.

I am not saying the desktop/tablet is the right combo for everyone, but I do think many people could function very efficiently with these two devices.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
There's a place for both devices. Some people prefer laptops and some people prefer tablets. I think there is room for both. I have a MacBook Pro and an iPad and I have different uses for both and enjoy using both at different times. They sell both so I am not sure why we need to have this same discussion over and over.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 20, 2015
Seattle, WA region
I don't know if it will make it redundant, but considering it can do most of the same stuff, it's probably not worth having both. HOWEVER, I do believe it's worth your while to keep A computer around, and the rMacBook is a fine choice. Personally, I'm just using my 2011 11" MacBook Air for the 2% of the time I need a Chrome plugin or have to print some shipping labels.
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macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
At least until iOS will let you do things like have two or more Excel or Word files open at the same time, no, the iPP is in no danger of making laptops redundant.
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