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Aug 11, 2008
Well lets see the government is still looking to charge Snowden. Also if anyone else was to break into your phone, then what? Hackers have been charged in the past for breaking security. So clearly there is an implied right here....never mind the privacy right.

Why wouldn't the government charge Snowden?

He illegally accessed and distributed classified information. He should at a minimum be thrown into a super max prison for the rest of his life.
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Jan 11, 2012
Eastern CT
Why wouldn't the government charge Snowden?

He illegally accessed and distributed classified information. He should at a minimum be thrown into a super max prison for the rest of his life.
He did access and distribute classified material. However, the material that was classified was illegally obtained from the American people. He saw something that was wrong and reported it. He fled the country because he would have faced prosecution here. The government has a long history of history of persecuting (or worse) people who expose their corruption.


Jan 11, 2012
Eastern CT
Why wouldn't the government charge Clinton?
Clinton only killed 5 Americans, 1 head of state, and she only ushered in the tidal wave of rapists and murders across Europe. She also only mishandled top US secrets in violation of US law. None of that is indictable.

However, if you jump over a turn style on a NYC subway you're going to the "Tombs" for 30 days.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
join the sanders revolution.

I'd much prefer Sanders over Trump even before this announcement, but the problem is I don't see Sanders getting the nomination over Hillary and she's just more of the same-old same-old Washington. I figured Trump was really a bit of a liberal in disguise anyway (a lot of Republican hate him and that's good) seeing as he (at least used to) support single payer, keeping jobs in the USA (down with trade deals that are only good for the rich), etc., but he seems like he'd promise lungs to a fish to get elected.


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2014
Citizens of the United States of America that are entitled to due process under the constitution.


Depending on whom you ask, its either Apple is standing against rule by decree on behalf of everyone in this country, or "Apple is letting the terrrurists and child kidnappers win!"


macrumors 68020
Dec 8, 2009
I'd much prefer Sanders over Trump even before this announcement, but the problem is I don't see Sanders getting the nomination over Hillary and she's just more of the same-old same-old Washington. I figured Trump was really a bit of a liberal in disguise anyway (a lot of Republican hate him and that's good) seeing as he (at least used to) support single payer, keeping jobs in the USA (down with trade deals that are only good for the rich), etc., but he seems like he'd promise lungs to a fish to get elected.
Look at the new Hampshire demographics. Sanders won everyone under the age of 65 (men and women) and people making less than $250k. Hillary has a leg up right now with the black vote. So is it will be vary close but Sanders has as much of a shot as Hillary winning the nomination.

Trump is a lier. He said he was against the Iraq war, truth is he only said that 16mo after the war began. He said he wants to make America great again by fixing our trade deals with China but then he said he has no problem with H1-Bs visas (in spite of his website). It's pretty obvious the guy just says whatever he thinks people want to hear. Trump's a facist not a liberal.


Sep 22, 2007
Lol trump is about as left as my right hand, a person who is left wouldn't be such a racist **** as trump is. Trump is PRO business as anything, he is a right wing capitalist at the very core.


He's a failed "capitalist" then. More of a spoiled elitist really. The last fifteen years or so he has been mostly an entertainer.

For decades Trump has been a bag of gas, surrounding himself with yes men and sporting the poor results of doing so. Failure after failure, poor judgement, losing billions while pretending otherwise. Now we are supposed to believe that he has all of the answers, despite his shallow, vulgar rhetoric- "Top people love/agree/support me, America doesn't win anymore, I'll make America great again (by laughably purporting that he will force Mexico to build a wall and start a trade war with a country that owns most of our debt), everyone loves my plan (never names any of these people) by the way, it will be great, let me tell you, I'll negotiate great deals, it will be fabulous....believe me".

No Donald, you are a bloviating empty suit that is pandering to naive, angry people.

The Trump phenomenon demonstrates that Americans are mesmerized by celebrity, and Trump understands that completely when he says that he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose support. I bet that Kim Kardashian or Beyonce getting in the race would make his polling numbers implode.
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macrumors 65816
Sep 11, 2014
London UK
Dump, frump , crump;he makes my stomach churn. I am not in the least surprised in his ancestral home town , the Germans seem less enthusiatic about his current campaign with the never ending diatribeo_O


Nov 25, 2005
The ultimate comeback:

Trump: "Cook, who do you think you are?"

Cook: "Trump, unlike you, I am a Christian."

"Someone who wants to build walls instead of bridges is not a Christian" (Pope Francis).
And Trump's behaviour after being told off like a little child clearly proves that he doesn't understand that whole Christian thing.
I took a course in mobile security and the instructor showed us how easy it is to break into the 4 digit password on an iPhone (which is what the terrorists used). It takes about 30 seconds. The method is to virtualize the contents of the iPhone first then run the cracking program which runs all possibilities of the 4 digit password. That's even with the 10 attempt limit turned on. I would guess that the FBI knows this so I'm wondering if anyone knows what Apple did to improve the security to prevent the iPhone from being moved into a virtualize environment. I haven't tried it myself but it seems like it would be pretty easy.
In that case, your instructor is a complete idiot.

To unlock an iPhone, you need three components: There is an encrypted master key, with copies stored in two locations of the flash drive (that's why an iPhone can be completely erased in a millisecond by overwriting just these two locations on the flash drive). The second component is obviously the passcode that you type in. The third component is an encryption key built into the CPU. That key cannot be read. It can only be used for encryption and decryption. Apple doesn't know that key. It cannot be reproduced.

Once you clone the drive, remove it from the iPhone, you can't get the master key anymore, because one of the three needed components is gone. The only thing you can do is trying to break per file SHA-256 encryption. Which is impossible to break in the first place, and if you break it, you've got ONE file from the device.

All that information and much more is available on Apple's web site at . For your instructor not reading this or not understanding it is unforgivable.
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Oct 11, 2015
People who live in glass walled houses shouldn't ???


"the outer wall is shown in blue, the remains of the early wall
by Leo IV (yellow arrows) are still visible from above"

"a typical service passage, with small
heraldic insignia carved on the keystone"
"....When the Vatican became an independent state and the walls turned into an official boundary between two countries, all these passages were walled up; they can still be told by the white lintel that framed them. Most of them bear small heraldic insignia on the keystone, referring to the ruling pope of the time...."
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macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
Why wouldn't the government charge Snowden?

He illegally accessed and distributed classified information. He should at a minimum be thrown into a super max prison for the rest of his life.
Or hailed as a patriot that gave up his life to warn us all of the Orwellian government overreach on spying on every single one of us. I would make the argument that this is a government by the people for the people, but I no longer believe those childhood school stories.

We have morphed in government to spy on and control it's people, serving the few rich people at the cost of the majority. Once we lost individual news organizations with self investigating news teams, the informed public was doomed. Media, ratings, agendas of the few that own most of the networks is now the norm. The exact same news feeds are played on each network, on Internet, in all papers. No money or desire left to offer alternative views for public to reflect on.

The East German Stazi would be amazed at the efficiency of spying on every citizen has been carried out in supposed free country, amazingly with approval by so many, because it keeps us "safe". This country was founded by terrorist revolutionaries, that broke laws and defied unjust tyranny perpetrated on the people by the legitimate Royal Crown. Freedom needs the sacrifice and blood of patriots to keep it alive. People have aright to know, not be lied to by our government to protect us.


macrumors 603
Dec 11, 2006
Personally I think the biggest issue people secretly have with this order to Apple is that they fear people will be able to see what they are sending via SNAPCHAT and their filthy browser history will be exposed.

lol. Your browser history is already known by your ISP.

People who actually understand the technical implications here don't care about browser history. If they have anything to hide regarding that, they're already using a VPN.

It has more to do with the fact that people have sensitive information on their phones nowadays, like financial information, proprietary business secrets, etc. Those need to be protected. Identity theft and other information security problems are two of the biggest problems we face now in the 21st century. It would be extremely foolish and stupid to make it easier for these things to occur.

This terrorist is already dead and so are those people. We can't bring back the people that were murdered and we can't put a corpse on trial. In this case, there is zero to gain and a ton to lose.
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macrumors 68040
Sep 24, 2013
US Eastern time zone
People who live in glass walled houses shouldn't ???


"the outer wall is shown in blue, the remains of the early wall
by Leo IV (yellow arrows) are still visible from above"

"a typical service passage, with small
heraldic insignia carved on the keystone"
"....When the Vatican became an independent state and the walls turned into an official boundary between two countries, all these passages were walled up; they can still be told by the white lintel that framed them. Most of them bear small heraldic insignia on the keystone, referring to the ruling pope of the time...."

To paraphrase another wall bringer down. POPE FRANCIS BRING DOWN YOUR WALL!!
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macrumors regular
Sep 19, 2007
neither trump nor farage is a xenophobe
that's completely made up by the "left leaning" soundbite cloud you refer to

I am a trump supporter. I don't like his brash rude NY manner, but his solution driven policies are the best thing in politics for 40 years

best rgds

Please detail some of his "solutions"


Mar 21, 2011
Why wouldn't the government charge Snowden?

He illegally accessed and distributed classified information. He should at a minimum be thrown into a super max prison for the rest of his life.

ha.. ya ok ..... classified or unclassified information is not relevant when it comes to YOUR own info being collected behind your back.
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May 3, 2010
People who live in glass walled houses shouldn't ???


"the outer wall is shown in blue, the remains of the early wall
by Leo IV (yellow arrows) are still visible from above"

"a typical service passage, with small
heraldic insignia carved on the keystone"
"....When the Vatican became an independent state and the walls turned into an official boundary between two countries, all these passages were walled up; they can still be told by the white lintel that framed them. Most of them bear small heraldic insignia on the keystone, referring to the ruling pope of the time...."
Pope Francis, tear down this wall.
To paraphrase another wall bringer down. POPE FRANCIS BRING DOWN YOUR WALL!!
You beat me to it.
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