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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
Well what fiasco, the new Ebay for iPad update features a total face lift , trouble is it was done by somebody without any skill, thought or possibly a brain.

I don't think I've ever seen anything so's got to be pulled from the app store as it's simply awful, reviews are filling up with horrendous feedback..

I managed to delete and restore mine from my sync :)


macrumors 604
Apr 10, 2008
sounds like more of a personal opinion to be honest. Is there anything actually wrong with the app or do you just not like the way it looks? If its the latter I don't think you should be warning people to stay away from it because that's a matter of personal preference.


macrumors newbie
Dec 21, 2011
It is definitely a personal opinion on the part of the OP. Only trouble for eBay is that opinion is shared by several thousand people who have rated the new app 1 star and would rate it 0 if you could. I reverted (I hate to say downgrade because I do not consider it downgrade) to 3.3.3 from a backup. The eBay community forums are lit up with complaints far and wide. You will be hard pressed to find any positive comments as the radical design change is effecting both buyers and sellers alike.

The new UX is so radically different and unintuitive that things that took seconds under 3.3.3 are now difficult if not impossible to do with 3.4. In retrospect, eBay should have released 3.4 as a new app, perhaps with the name "eBay Shopping" which is really what it is. It is no longer a searching app but an app to force feed you ads for stuff you have no interest in.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
sounds like more of a personal opinion to be honest. Is there anything actually wrong with the app or do you just not like the way it looks? If its the latter I don't think you should be warning people to stay away from it because that's a matter of personal preference.

Well yes aren't all our posts here opinions?

I get what you mean though, trouble is the app actually doesn't work properly, bug ridden and as Zzznorch said is a different app completely, if you have no backup I don't know how you'd go back, hence I'd be thankful of the warning. But if a Mod would rather delete this then fine but I stick to my first post - Don't upgrade without checking it out or backing up first.
Last edited:


macrumors newbie
Dec 5, 2010
ebay 3.3.3.ipa

If anyone has a backup of the ebay 3.3.3.ipa file in iTunes or Time Machine can you please, please make it available for download?



macrumors 68020
May 23, 2011
Well what fiasco, the new Ebay for iPad update features a total face lift , trouble is it was done by somebody without any skill, thought or possibly a brain.

I don't think I've ever seen anything so's got to be pulled from the app store as it's simply awful, reviews are filling up with horrendous feedback..

I managed to delete and restore mine from my sync :)

I liked the new look, however, as I was trying to revise an active item I'm selling it gave me an error: eBay app does not have this feature yet, please use the web site. SERIOUSLY? That's definitely a step back, and not a right time with the holiday season rush. Why take away chunks of functionality for the sake of looks? ugh!


Dec 14, 2013
I do have a bit of difficulty with the ebay app. Things seem harder to find and more complicated to navigate. Just my opinion.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
DRM ties it to the original app owner.

Yes thats extol why I posted the thread make sure you have backup as you can't go back, bit silly really as this app is obviously not an upgrade at all. Got my old version back on my iPad and it's so much better. I tend to save quite searches on my home screen, the new app doesn't have this.


macrumors regular
Apr 9, 2014
I just downloaded the previous version using Appcake. No way I was living with that terrible redesign. They'd turned it into an advert trying to sell me crap I don't want. I, like most people, go to ebay already knowing what they are searching for.
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