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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 19, 2011

at first: sorry for my english. I'm german.

I've got an issue with my iPhone 6s, iOS 9.3 that's really frustrating and absolutely annoying. My Phone has got 10 GB free Storage, and my iCloud Data Plan has a size of 50 GB and only 4,3 GB used space. For Photos and Videos, I've selecting "load and keep originals" (or something like that) in the Settings App on the iPhone. But when i open the Photos App, everytime i get the error message "cannot load Full Res 'cause not enough storage available". WHAT?! This is stupid 'cause like i wrote, i've got more than enough space free for my only 2,6 GB sized iCloud Photo Library. And so every pictures and videos only have a thumbnail and when i select a single image, the iPhone download it atFull Res. But how can i download EVERY Image and keep it on my iPhone locally?

I hope someone could help my.

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