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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 21, 2020
Please help me, Long story short I have searched the internet and did hours and hours of research and still cannot get a clear answer. I’m hoping someone can finally help me.

I have 55,000 photos in iCloud and 400 videos. I want all of them off iCloud and in a folder in my desktop. I know there are 3 options.

1, Photos app- settings- iCloud download original - export. I cannot use this options. The downloads keep stopping. So let’s skip this one.

2.A - iCloud photos - download originals unmodified. Now this one I cannot understand. Half my photos and videos were shot Before the iOS codec heiv or how ever you spell it and the other ones were shot with the new codec my library spans 5 years. I’d say my library is like 50/50 old codex jpeg and apples new iOS format.

2.B The download for everything is around 316gb. So I don’t want to download the originals un modified and then download the compressed edits because it would be around a 600gb download. Then I would have delete duplicates and I got faith someone knows a better way.

3, Apple data and request copy of iCloud photos and videos wait 7 days / 25gb download increments. I can’t seem to find anyone talking about this. But this one is the one I think would work because you get the unmodified versions and I could bypass option 1 the photos app and send them straight to a folder and not worry where the originals are attached to iCloud.

I just want all my 55,000 photos 400 videos on the MacBook in folders so I can add another folder with 22,000 photos to them and a movies folder with 1200 videos to them. I don’t want to drop them into the photos app I want them all together all photos in 1 folder and all movies in 1 folder

Please anyone out there I’m new to MacBook and I just want everything in a folder off iCloud. Original format. Inside folders the old fashion way.
thank you all so much for taking the time to read this. I don’t want to make any more mistakes or create any more duplicates. This is all I ask for for Christmas lol. Thanks y’all.
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