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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2016
Maybe this has always been this way but I would imagine it should work. I never tried with my iphone to be honest. We just recently got two 10.5 iPad pros and I was going through my emails wanting to save receipts.

The emails that have receipts as attachments is no bid deal as I can drag and drop the pdf attachment right to my icloud drive in the files app. I tried dragging and dropping whole emails where the receipt is actual text in the email. The issue with that is the email will not open up when trying to view it under the files app. I did install Documents by Readdle and it does open the email but only in raw html.

I know you can go through printing the email and using the two finger gesture to have it save as a pdf but it would be so much easier just to drag and drop the email. Especially when its only files I will need to access maybe one more time for tax purposes. So with that said am I missing something or am I just SOL?
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