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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
I've been on the lookout for a sensibly priced drawing tablet for use with my iMac. I'm not an artist, just like to draw from time to time.

I have trawled through the retail offerings here in the UK, and Wacom (although I'm sure they are great) are WAY too expensive for a hobbyists point of view.

Looked just about everywhere I could think of, but found nothing sensibly priced at all.

ANyone got any ideas for an alternative? I don't mind £30-40.00, but the Wacom stuff starts at around £80.00 here and runs way up in the pro range.
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macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2011
I got a Wacom Bamboo for £20 at Christmas time from a large Tesco. They can be found around £20-£30 if you shop around. The only thing I would say is that a very small tablet is useless if you have a very high screen resolution (I have the TB display) as the sensor resolution of the tablet is too small compared to the screen.


macrumors regular
Jun 2, 2011
So a small one would be of no use on my 27" iMac? Tesco....Didn't think of them, thanks for the tip!

A small tablet will work on a 27" iMac, it's just so hard to be accurate at that resolution with such a small drawing surface. I've been an accomplished amateur illustrator for years (on physical media), but you may find it easier than me.


macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
A small tablet will work on a 27" iMac, it's just so hard to be accurate at that resolution with such a small drawing surface. I've been an accomplished amateur illustrator for years (on physical media), but you may find it easier than me.

:D...That's kind, but trust me, I'm a musician who just like to draw! What gets me is the larger stuff (which I'm sure you know) can run into £700.00+ I just wanted to take my drawing hobby from my iPad to my iMac, You'd think that someone would make a larger "Hobbyist" version, at £30.00 or so...I shall keep looking!
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