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baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
if anyone can help me with this, i would be really appreciative!

does anyone know how to make text appear upon the mouseover of an image? what i want is to have pictures and then the descriptions of the pictures kinda appear when the mouse hovers on the image for a while.

i am using dreamweaver mx 6, but i can put in the java or html or whatever from within dreamweaver if it's not too complicated.

thanks so much for any help you can give me!


macrumors newbie
Jan 5, 2004
make a .gif of the text description and then insert a rollover image with the picture as image 1 and the text as image 2.

Have fun!

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
Originally posted by mckeek
make a .gif of the text description and then insert a rollover image with the picture as image 1 and the text as image 2.

Have fun!

thanks. i see how to do that, but that sounds like overkill. does the second image need to be the same size as the original? and is there no way to do it so that both the image and the description are up at the same time?

(what i really want is something like the mouseover help descriptions [used to be balloons] in the mac OS)


macrumors 68030
Jun 25, 2001
Moneyapolis, Minnesota
if you are doing this for a small number of elements for a menu or something this would be really easy to do with CSS, assuming they are links to different pages or elements... if that's what you are looking for just post back... you could also check out and check the online resources for CSS... i'm sure there is a tutorial out there for it... otherwise i'm sure i could help you out with writing it.

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
Re: webpage help

Originally posted by Links
You can add:
title="your text here"
within your image tag.

Older browsers may not display this as expected.
See this web page for more details:

Hope this is of some help.

that looks like it might work. thanks for the help! if it works, this would really be the best thing since it is so simple!

baby duck monge

macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 16, 2003
Memphis, TN
Re: Re: webpage help

Originally posted by brianellisrules
This is what I'd recommend.

this is what i ended up doing (checked it out a bit earlier today) and it worked quite well. thanks to everyone for their help! it's wonderful to have such a great resource for all sorts of questions (be they web, hardware, software, or otherwise).


macrumors 6502a
i dunno if anyone will be able to answer this or not but here it goes. i've tried to use Dreamweaver a few time to try and make web design easier on me (i write all source myself) but i always run into problems.

this time i'm running into a problem where i want to have a table with a couple rows and columns that have a height or a width of just 1 pixel. Dreamweaver seems to have a problem with this and won't make one with less than 13 pixels. so i tried to change the source with the code editor but it still looks like 13 when in the preview or when i preview in an external browser.

any ideas?



macrumors regular
Oct 17, 2003
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
Ewww, layout tables. :p

Have considered/tried using CSS?
True story: a friend of mine is starting up a webpage (for the past 3-4 months). I sang the praises of CSS and yet he didn't want to hear any of that. He's convinced tables are the wave of the future.

PLUS, he's using I TRIED to tell him that php is what the cool kids were doing and that it'd get him chicks, but he claims to know better.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by brianellisrules
True story: a friend of mine is starting up a webpage (for the past 3-4 months). I sang the praises of CSS and yet he didn't want to hear any of that. He's convinced tables are the wave of the future.

PLUS, he's using I TRIED to tell him that php is what the cool kids were doing and that it'd get him chicks, but he claims to know better.

Ha, that's great! You'll just have to come harder with the propagand..erm...evidence. You are pulling more chicks now then ever, right? ;)

I'll whip up a layout real quick and show you what CSS can do for you.


Moderator emeritus
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
OK, here's a basic layout using valid HTML and CSS and no tables.

There's a bunch of artificial margins to get the spacing you had that would have to be removed once there's actual content in there, but you're getting the same look as before with only one image and 9 lines of body code, as opposed to 26 with the table.

CSS can be a little tricky to get the hang of, but once you do, it opens the door to very clean markup and some powerful layouts.


macrumors 68000
Jun 21, 2002
New Zealand
Originally posted by Rower_CPU
OK, here's a basic layout using valid HTML and CSS and no tables.

There's a bunch of artificial margins to get the spacing you had that would have to be removed once there's actual content in there, but you're getting the same look as before with only one image and 9 lines of body code, as opposed to 26 with the table.

CSS can be a little tricky to get the hang of, but once you do, it opens the door to very clean markup and some powerful layouts.
CSS is fantastic, but I haven't gone to a full CSS layout for the way some older browsers render them. What I have done is use a single table and then use CSS to control the layout of that table. You'll find the same type of thing being implemented with applications like OSCommerce.

Pure CSS with xml is the future, but you can get valid strict XHTML while using some tables, but I wouldn't nest the tables.


macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2004

If you want to learn CSS fast I would HIGHLY recommend Also, if you have a little more time you might want to check out, there are some great videos there for just $25/m.

A note on Dreamweaver MX:
I have been using DW for along time and the design view has never worked quite right. I would recommened previewing your work in IE, Safari, or Mozilla just to be sure of your work (especially with CSS2). I mainly use DW just as a tool. That is to say, Don't trust it to do everything.
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