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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 23, 2018
Hi guys, I have the newer macbook pro 13''. I have 2 LG 27'' 4k monitors one is the 27UD58 and the other is the 27UD88 and a USB c 4k "triple display" pluggable dock and I've been trying to figure out how i can get them both working with 4k. As of now when i put the display on 4k resolution the screens look zoomed out so i can barely read the text. Needless to say i cant use them like that. Therefore ive been using them both on a 1080p setting which sucks considering how much these monitors cost and are capable of. Is there a solution to this problem? It seems like other people with the newer (usbc) macbooks are able to use 2 dual 4k monitors with theirs from what ive read so I dont understand what I'm missing here. Please help!


macrumors 68000
Nov 9, 2015
Honolulu HI
What you're missing is that 4K UHD at native resolution on a 27" monitor is too small a monitor size for many people. It would have been ideal if you could have gone and looked at an actual monitor connected to a Mac at 4K to see what it would have looked like before purchasing. But, in today's brick-and-mortar retail environment, that's not easy - I know because I made an attempt to do that and found that the retailer just hooked up many of their monitors to show some canned demo. The one I was looking for, a 27" 4K UHD monitor, wasn't available out of the box. I didn't buy. I came to the conclusion that 27" was too small.

It appears that you have used the System Preferences - Display pane to change your resolutions. This Apple article talks about that (see "Using an external display with your Retina display Mac").

With Sierra and High Sierra some scaling options that were formerly available disappeared or had pretty poor quality. I think a lot of people would like to have the option of using 2560x1440 on these monitors. There was a thread some months ago where the OP seemed to have tried many things to get an acceptable resolution but I don't think they ever were. There's an app called SwitchResX that may help (I think that was mentioned in that post). I just came across the following (which I pretty sure wasn't mentioned):

I have no idea if this works well or not. Use due diligence before trying out the software. You can download a trial version. The regular version is $3.00. I would avoid downloading this from any source other than the software maker - Many Tricks (I don't see it on the App Store).
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