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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 5, 2003
USA, New York
What's the easiest and fastest way to put a DVD movie into the iPod?

I've been using "Handbrake" to make an ".mp4" file and then opening that file in Quicktime and exporting as an iPod compatible file ".m4v". It works great, the only problem it takes FOREVER! I'm running a iMac FP G4/800mhz/1gig RAM. It takes almost a full day to Rip from Handbrake and then when exporting from Quicktime it can take another full day OR two. Is this right or can I make my life easier? Thanks!


macrumors 65816
Apr 19, 2004
Search the site here. This has been discussed several times.

You can halve the time by going direct from Handbrake to the correct settings for iPod video. i.e. there is no need to use QT Pro after Handbrake.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 5, 2003
USA, New York
Handbrake seems to work great. It whinds up saving it as a ".MP4". What I use to do is take that ".MP4" file and open it within QT-Pro and export "movie to iPod", which saves it as a ".M4V" file. What's the the difference between ".MP4" and ".M4V"? This last process literally too DAYS!

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