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macrumors Core
Original poster
Jul 24, 2006
The Ivory Tower (I'm not coming down)
So, I shut off the machine with a blank DVD in it. Now when I try to turn it on, it just hangs on the first gray screen you see while the dvd drive continually spins up and then spins down again (you can hear it). How do I get the DVD out? Or is it some other problem?

Tried holding the mouse button down, and tried holding option to select the startup disk. No luck. Also tried removing 3rd party RAM....which didn't make a difference either.


macrumors regular
Jun 13, 2004
Ontario, Canada
"Ever have a problem with a CD/DVD stuck in your offline MacBook Pro and it doesn't allow you to boot up OS X? Apple mentioned the solution is to press and hold the trackpad button when booting your MBP. You tried that, but still fails? Another possible fix is the credit card/knife trick that sometimes works, but it just sounds not right?

OK, now there is an easy way to do it: Just power up your MBP and leave it alone for about 10 minutes. It will eventually boot up and the CD/DVD will automatically eject (make sure your power cable is plugged in, though!). "

I googled "Apple DVD stuck".
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