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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 6, 2004
United Kingdom, Europe
Wow. I do not know where to begin...

I applaud the desire to do a reboot and clean things up but this is not how it should be done.

I usually open the app and check my watch list. Well, the app defaults to the Shop tab, so it takes one tap to get to the Activity tab. Once there, your recent searches are shown first, so you’ll have to scroll down to get to the watch list. Surely the list of things I am about to buy is the most important thing for me to see when opening the app?

So, I am no win my watch list. How long is there to go on the item that is ending soonest? The app says 1d, but somehow that doesn’t sit quite right with me. So I tap into the item, and then scroll down (yet again) and see that in fact the item is actually ending in 1d21h! Why not put that exact time front and centre? You are doing it on the Selling item list, so why not everywhere?

Next, I want to look at my saved/followed searches. For some reason the buttons on these things are huge, they only fit a handful on my huge iPhone 6 screen. Why all the wasted space? Anyway, finally my followed by not alerted searches are back. Great, thank you! BUT some of my finely crafted saved searches have now lost their category and are returning loads of results I do not want. It’s easy enough to reapply the category, unfollow and refollow the search but why is it necessary?

Next, if you think about the large phone screens we are all lucky enough to have these days, where might be the worst place you could put a button? That's right, it would be the top left corner - the corner that is furthest and hardest to reach. So I'm shocked, but at this pint I am not surprised, that you have to go through the top left corner of the app to access all the major functions of the app. Seriously? Dreadful hamburger menu AND a back button? Search is tappable - I almost missed it! Search watch list is more prominent than the main search.

I’m off to restore my backup of 3.6.1 from Time Machine through iTunes.
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