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macrumors G5
Original poster
Mar 20, 2003
Bay Area
a few months ago I helped my family buy a new computer, and in deciding between the imac and the emac, the emac was the obvious choice, and not by a little. But now that the imacs have been updated, what do you all think? I have a friend who is thinking about switching to the mac, and I'm not sure which I should recommend.

The imac is still a lot more expensive (I'm comparing the 15" imac and the 1 ghz combo emac), but now at least it has some advantages, whereas before the update, it not only was no better, it was flat-out worse.

15" imac advantages over combo emac:
-DDR RAM (but does it really matter with this bus speed?)
-167 mhz bus (compared to 133)
-15" LCD (compared to 17" CRT)
-256 RAM (compared to 128 - both would be upgraded either way)
-Geforce4 MX (how does it compare to the radeon 7500, both with 32 VRAM?)
-80 gig HD (compared to 60. The imac is at 7200 RPM - does anyone know about the emac?)
-apple pro speakers

both are AE ready, both are a 1 Ghz G4 with a max of 1 gig RAM, both have 32x combo drives.

I know it seems like the imac has a lot of advantages, but how much of a performance difference would there really be? Keep in mind it's a $350 price difference with edu pricing.
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