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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 27, 2017

I've recently added to my macbook pro (mid 2010/ i5) a new SSD in the optical bay, and i accidently erased the HDD who got the macOS sierra, and i tried to boot it, i got the internet recovery but nothing is happening, and i've no idea what should i do to install again an macos operating system

thank you !


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 27, 2017
Yes, i did both ethernet and wifi but nothing happens, the globe keep spinning (i saw on video that i should see some bar for the download but nothing)


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
How long did you wait?
The Internet recovery boot can take several minutes, depending on your internet connection.

There really is no progress bar for booting to internet recovery. It just shows a generic "time remaining", and doesn't update very well. You just have to be patient. You will eventually get the window that shows you a variety of choices.
If the SSD is still blank, you should choose to run Disk Utiliity, and erase/format the SSD. The macOS installer does NOT prepare a new drive automatically, so you would use Disk Utility. A simple erase of the SSD, then Quit Disk Utility, which will return you to the main menu screen. And, "Reinstall macOS" will be your next choice...
Let us know how that goes for you!


macrumors G5
Jul 30, 2003
Nothing may happen when you click on the globe (doesn't highlight or any other response.
But you still have to be patient.

Click on the up-arrow icon directly below the globe, then press your enter key.
Wait it out. Give it at least 10 minutes before you decide to give up.

Is this a school internet connection, that might have a proxy server associated with the network? A proxy-server network won't usually work for internet recovery. Could you use an ethernet connection, plugged directly into the router?

Another option that you could use --- download the macOS installer from another Mac, and create a bootable USB installer. Apple has steps for doing exactly that.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 27, 2017
Edit : i had to change the DNS adress of my router to principal and for the second one,

Thank you all :D !
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